VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


Write about your comfort food

Today we focused on:

Trevor noah

Daniel sloss

Ali wong

Writing exercise

about a funny commercial that I’ve worked on before.

I forgot the details about the funny commercial which I have worked. But funny things always happen when we are shooting . Such as For example/for instance, because of the director’s brainstorm or low budget,sometimes staff need to act out/as some roles. I acted as a crazy dancer , a country teacher , a mom who has to suffered domestic violence… and so on. And once time, my male colleague acted filled in as a model , he dressed in a red dress and walked in the desert.


jug – tong

common (adj.) – happens regularly
i.e. Is it common? Yes, it is common for a male to act as a female.

adj. + n. 
i.e. common thing
i.e. common person

common for sb. to do sth. 

notice – zhu yi dao
i.e. I sometimes notice that someone is sleeping in the corner.

overtime fee – chao shi fei

legal – according to the law
i.e. Is it legal for you to not receive your overtime fee?

discuss – shang liang

industry – hang ye
i.e. In our industry, it is common that people do not get overtime fees.

on set – 在片场内

responsibility – ze ren
i.e. What is your job responsibility?

assist – help
i.e. I need to assist the director on set.

eyes and ears of sb. 
i.e. I am the eyes and ears of the director on set.

beverage – yin liao

content – nei rong
i.e. What content are you going to put on it?

skit – Xiao ping
i.e. There are many skits on Chun Wan.

close to sb. 
i.e. I feel close to her.

dimple – jiu wo
i.e. I like her dimples.

depressed / passive 

filter (n.) – 过滤器
i.e. People have to talk with a filter on TV.

comedian – 喜剧人

stand up comedy – 脱口秀

stand up comedian – 脱口秀演员

pms – pre-menstrual syndrome 

comfort food – a food that you must eat when you are upset