VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


watch shutter island

TV show recommendation: Modern Family, Friends, Sex and the city, 2 broke girls, the office

Today we focused on:

Learn about ADV


ADV – Adverb 副词
use to describe a verb 
i.e. I drink very quickly.

i.e. careful + ly = carefully
i.e. I study my homework carefully.

Use ADJ:
1. Use before a noun. 
i.e. That is a good book.
2. Use after a copulative verb : is/am/are; look; seem; feel; smell; taste; sound
i.e. The music sounds beautiful.
i.e. This cake tastes great.

Use ADV:
1. Use after a verb
i.e. I drink quickly.
i.e. I drive fast.

(noisy) Children are always very ___noisy _

(angry) Something had happened to him. He had an __angry___ look.


instruction – shuo ming
i.e. You must read the instructions before you use it.

population – ren kou
i.e. The population in China is very big.

economical – jing ji de
i.e. They have many economical problems.

main character – zhu jiao
i.e. The main character is very interesting.

action movie – dong zou pian
i.e. I like action movies.

comedy – funny movie
i.e. I like comedy.

catastrophe movie – zai nan pian

visual effect – shi jue xiao guo

mystery – a story that needs to be solved

detective – zhen tan

pretty – beautiful
i.e. The dresses are very pretty in the movie.