VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


the forbidden city – zi jin cheng

be kept somewhere – can only stay in the place
i.e. They were kept in Changchun.

restart the dynasty

surrender – tou xiang
i.e. He finally surrendered to the Japanese.

communist party – gong chan dang
i.e. The communist party controls China.

subordinate – the people who service
i.e. His subordinate teaches him English.

roof – wu ding
i.e. He climbed up the roof.

fridge magnet – ping xiang tie
i.e. I wanted to buy fridge magnets.

coincidence – qiao he
i.e. It is such a coincidence.

memorial museum – 纪念博物馆

statue – 雕像
i.e. There is a statue in front of the museum.

tragic – very very very sad
i.e. It is such a tragic story.