VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


Read “Abraham Lincoln and His Dog”


oxen – female ox
i.e. The oxen

coax – calm
i.e. She tried to coax the dog.

ferris wheel – 摩天轮
i.e. I like the ferris wheel.

Speaking exercise

Mr Bean saw the people who has a phone and he wants to buy one but the phone was too expensive so he don’t want to buy it. But just then outside is raining, so the person that has the phone take the subway and Mr Bean has a skateboard so he skate away. But suddenly, the subway stopped and the person was very angry. Mr Bean was skating on the road then the person get down from the subway but he dropped in the river. And Mr Bean put a boat in the river and helped and saved the person and the person gave him 5 pounds and Mr Bean was very happy.

Mr Bean saw a person people who has a phone and he wants to buy one, but the phone was too expensive so he didn’t don’t want to buy it. But just then outside it is raining outside, so the person that has the phone takes the subway and Mr Bean has a skateboard so he skates away. But suddenly, the subway stopped and the person was very angry. Mr Bean was skating on the road then the person get down from the subway but he dropped in the river. And Mr Bean put a boat in the river and helped and saved the person and the person gave him 5 pounds and Mr Bean was very happy.