VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


Are you a movie­goer? If, like me, you’re a fan of film, then there’s no better place to watch something than on the big screen at the cinema. You enter the dark auditorium and take your seat, ready to be entertained. But while you engross yourself in some movie magic, many others are now getting their film fix at home.

Over the last few years, cinemas have seen a resurgence. Customers have been enticed by comfortable seats, and lots of choice of things to watch. Multiplexes in particular can screen up to twenty films at the same time, catering for all different tastes. In addition, 3D and even 4D movies can give the audience an extra immersive experience. So, what’s not to like about a trip to the cinema?


cater – to satisfy a need
i.e. I always have to cater to the customer’s needs.

catering (n.) – providing food
i.e. The catering for this party was very good.

moviegoer – someone who likes to go to the movies
i.e. I am a moviegoer, I go to the movies once a month.

auditorium – a big room with surrounding sounds
i.e. We held our graduation ceremony in the auditorium.

lecture – 讲座

engross – to focus
i.e. Before the exams, I engross myself in the books.

resurgence – repeat of the increase
i.e. We can see a resurgence of coronavirus cases in China.

surge (v./n.) – rapid increase
i.e. The stock surged last night.
i.e. There was a surge in the stock market last night.

drop/fall/dive – rapid decrease
i.e. The stock took a drop/fall/dive last night.

entice – to attract
i.e. That woman is trying to entice me.

multiplex – a cinema with at least 10 showing rooms

row – 排
i.e. I am sitting in row 9.

seat – chair
i.e. My seat is 1A.

genre – type

comedy – funny film

adventurous – when they go explore somewhere

horror – scary

mystery (n.) – a problem needs solved
i.e. I like to watch mystery films.



cartoon – Pixar

animation – Japanese cartoon

goofy – funny

relaunch – launch again

particular – special
in particular – specially
i.e. I like all sweets, but chocolate in particular.