VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


mission – ren wu
i.e. His mission is to fight the bad guy.

actually – 确实的/其实
i.e. The book is actually not worthy the money.

general form – 模版
i.e. I will write out a general form and then you guys can change it the way you want.


Read “Dairy of the Wimpy Kid” page 113 – 120


Present Simple – 一般现在时
is/am/are; do/does
i.e. I am a student.
i.e. I do homework every day.
* When stating a general fact or an action that happens generally

Past Simple – 一般过去时
was/were; did
i.e. I was a student a year ago.
i.e. I did my homework yesterday.
* When stating a general fact or an action that happened in the past


Review the vocab and the grammar points