VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


Writing from book 93, 105 and workbook CH10, 11


baby-sit (v.) – to look after a child 照顾小孩
i.e. I need to baby-sit my brother.

baby-sitter (n.) – the person who looks after the child
i.e. I am the little boy’s baby-sitter.

baby-sitting (n.) – the act of baby-sit
i.e. I can earn money from baby-sitting.

choir – 合唱团
i.e. I sing in the choir.

orchestra – 管弦乐团
i.e. I play the violin in the orchestra.

karate – 空手道
i.e. He knows karate.


How Often?

How often do you read? – frequency 频率
I read every day.


“er” “ir” “ur” 
i.e. concert, Bert, bird, purple

i.e. car, mars, park