VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


Watch “Catch me if you can” or “Wolf of wall street” and write about your thoughts


karma – 报应
i.e. This is karma.

advertising – 广告
i.e. Many advertising companies are hiring.

hire – 招聘
i.e. The company hires many people.

work style – 工作方式
i.e. I like the work style in foreign companies.

casual – 轻松的
i.e. I like to be casual.

messy – 杂乱的
i.e. The work will be more messy.

hierarchy – 领导阶层
i.e. In local company, there is a much bigger hierarchy.

tolerate – 忍受
i.e. I must tolerate the stupid requests.

gripping – makes people nervous and excited
i.e. I love to read gripping detective stories.

biography – 人物传记
i.e. I just finished the biography of Abraham Lincoln.

switch off – change 转换
i.e. I like to take a hot shower to switch off the day.

distraction – something to keep your attention away
i.e. I don’t like to read in public because there are so many distractions.

blast – 外放loudly
i.e. They like to blast the sound of their phone.

supervisor – someone who look over everyone and make sure things are normal
i.e. There will be eight supervisors in the station to make sure people don’t blast music.

fine – 罚款
i.e. If you break the rule, you have to pay a fine.

presribe (v.) – 开处方
i.e. I have a cold so my doctor prescribed some medicine for me.

prescription (n.) – 处方
i.e. You need a prescription to get this kind of medicine.

remedy – 治疗方法
i.e. Drinking hot water can be a remedy for everything.

stimulate – 刺激
i.e. I think your stomach will be stimulated with the cold water.

popsicle – 冰棒
i.e. When you have a sore throat, you have eat a popsicle and feel better.

conman – 诈骗者
i.e. He is a world class conman.

immersive – 令人沉浸的
i.e. This is a very immersive movie.

broaden – 扩展
i.e. If we travel more, our views will be broadened.

empathize (v.) – 同情
i.e. I empathize the poor and hungry.

charity (n.) – 慈善
i.e. I always donate money to charity.

tackle (v.) – 击倒
i.e. There are many problems I want to tackle.


For many of us, there’s nothing better than burying our head in a good book. Whether it’s a gripping crime story or a biography of someone’s amazing life, it’s good to read a book to switch off from the distractions of everyday life and help us relax. Maybe that’s why some of them are actually being prescribed as a remedy to sickness.

It may seem obvious that reading is good for us. It can be educational, and, as some say, it can ‘broaden the mind’. A good novel can make us happy or sad, or make us cry as we empathise with characters. The power of books was recognised a few years ago by the British charity Reading Agency, who published a list of books that doctors could offer to patients, tackling topics from depression to dementia to chronic pain. It called this ‘bibliotherapy’ and it’s become so successful that it’s about to be extended to children as well.