VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


Recommend a workout routine


gas stove – the fire that cooks 灶

boil (v.)- 水煮

cafeteria (n.) – 食堂

broccoli (n.) – 西兰花

lettuce (n.) – 生菜

pepper (n.) – 辣椒

celery (n.) – 芹菜

insomnia (n.) – 失眠

emphasis (n.) – 强调重点
i.e. Because of the coronavirus, we need to put an emphasis on wearing a mask.

sedentary life – a life that is not active
i.e. Because I am lazy, I enjoy a sedentary life.

novel (adj.) – new and creative
i.e. I want to go to that novel restaurant.

pump (v.) – lift
i.e. I want to pump some iron.

reduction (n.) – decrease
i.e. There is a reduction of price on this item.

depression (n.) – 抑郁症
i.e. She has depression so let’s try to help her.

dopamine (n.) – 多巴胺
i.e. Your brain will produce dopamine if you exercise.

cardiovascular (adj.) – 心血管的
i.e. If we don’t eat healthy, we will get cardiovascular disease.

cardio (n.) – 有氧运动
i.e. I like to do cardio.

skip (v.) – jump
i.e. I like to skip rope.

expert (n.) – 专家
i.e. She is an expert about this subject.

threaten (v.) – 威胁
i.e. Do you think the online workout videos threaten your business?


In a time when many people around the globe are in lockdown and unable to attend the gym, emphasis has been placed on home exercising. Fears of a sedentary life and piling on the pounds are forcing many to find novel ways to move the body and stretch their muscles. You don’t need to pump iron or have expensive equipment like rowing and cycling machines to help you stay fit.

Exercising is not just important for your body, but also your mind. A study by Dr. Andrea Dunn at the Cooper Research Institute in Dallas, Texas found patients who did daily 35-minute walks per week experienced a 47% reduction in their depression levels.

Cardiovascular exercise, often simply called cardio, is designed to keep your heart rate up, which in turn will strengthen your heart and improve your general fitness. Many of us are turning to activities like skipping with an old rope, or watching one of the many ‘fitness experts’ who produce exercise videos online.