VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


gym – the place where we work out

dumbbell – ya lin
i.e. I use dumbbells for power

bench – wo tui
i.e. I can bench 10 kg.

cardio exercise – the type that gets our heart rate up
i.e. Running is a type of cardio exercise.

jealous (adj.) – 羡慕
jealous of sb. 
i.e. I am jealous of you.

envy (v.) – 嫉妒
i.e. I envy you.

suspect (v.) – 怀疑
i.e. He suspected that maybe I was dead.

jet lag (adj.)- 倒时差
i.e. I was very jet lagged.

globe (n.) – 地球/地球仪
i.e. the coronavirus has been spreading around the globe.

lockdown (n.) – 封锁
i.e. My house is on lockdown.

emphasis (n.) – 重点/强调
i.e. The emphasis on wearing a mask has increased.

sedentary life (n.) – 缺少运动的生活,久坐不动的生活
i.e. I have a sedentary life because I hate exercising.

pile (v.) – 堆积
i.e. I want to pile up the sand to make a castle.

pound (n.) – 磅
i.e. I weight about 120 pounds.

method (n.) – 方法
i.e. The method is actually pretty good.


In a time when many people around the globe are in lockdown and unable to attend the gym, emphasis has been placed on home exercising. Fears of a sedentary life and piling on the pounds are forcing many to find novel ways to move the body and stretch their muscles. You don’t need to pump iron or have expensive equipment like rowing and cycling machines to help you stay fit.