VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


The most thing I’m angry with -> The most annoying thing I’m angry about

I draw at weekends -> I draw on the weekends

yesterday I met him -> yesterday I saw him

I’m adjusting to live alone -> I’m adjusting to living alone

If people are dealing with the living problems everyday, they can’t think about anything else -> If people are dealing with the problems of living everyday, they can’t think about anything else.


Probation period – the time before you become an official employee

Voice-over – 配音

narrator – the outside voice of a video

Significant – important/great

scenery – the views

waste sorting – dividing up your garbage

tedious – annoying and complicated

hideous – very ugly

execution – the doing of something

banana peel – the out layer of a banana

hoarder – someone who collects everything


Write one sentence for each new vocab