VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


The Beautiful Red Bowl

When Torad came back to the cave, the fire had burned down. He raked his bowl out with a long stick. As soon as the bowl was cool enough, Torad took it up in his hands and looked at it. He was surprised to see that it was not the same color. It had changed from yellow to a bright red. Then Torad saw that a piece of the bowl had been broken off.

“I will hold the bowl in the water until it is soft,” he said. “Then I will stick the broken piece on again.” Torad took the red bowl to the river and held it under the water for a while. Then he let some water stand in it for a long time. But the bowl did not get soft.

When he saw that the water did not get muddy, he was happy. Now he knew how to make a bowl that his mother would like better than any nut shell. So he got some more mud. He made a larger bowl this time, taking great care to make it round and smooth. Then he left it on a stone until it was dry.

That night, when everyone was asleep, Torad put his new bowl into the fire. Next morning he raked it out of the fire. The new bowl was not broken, and had the same red color as the first one. He carried it to the river and filled it with water. Then he took it to the cave.

“Look, Mother!” he cried. “This bowl does not make the water muddy.” Many people came to see the bowl. Soon Torad was busy teaching others how to make bowls like his and how to bake them in the fire. So people began to make bowls, big ones and little ones, deep ones and flat ones. These were used for eating and drinking, and they were the first dishes.


short vowel “i”

dip, lip, rip, zip
i.e. I tripped and did a flip.

kit, pit, sit, mit
i.e. I bit into the peach and hit the pit.

dig, pig, wig, fig
i.e. The pig put on a red wig.

tin, bin, fin, pin, win
i.e. I put the tin cup in the bin.

swing, wing, sling, sing, ring, king
i.e. The bird flaps its wings and sings a song.

brick, lick, sick, kick, click, stick
i.e. Rick kicked the stick.

pill, drill, hill, spill, gill, grill
i.e. Dan spilled ketchup on the grill.

dish, wish, relish, fish, polish, swish
i.e. The fish swam in the dish.

think, stink, shrink, sink, wink, drink
i.e. Sal drinks water from the sink.


I like to …… eat/drink/smile/laugh/dance/sing/play/run/hop/skip/jump/bounce/read/write/draw/color/paint/make/taste/cook/plant/talk/listen/watch/sit down/phone/meet/take a photo/choose/dream/sleep/hide/climb/help/ski/skate/swim/ride/walk/follow


Review the new words we learned today and practice the pronunciation of the short vowel “i”