VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


Review the vocab from today

Writing exercise

I didn’t get some any interesting news this week. I don’t like to see news of weibo or articals of wechat because normally I can see many advertisements or boring gossips. But I was attracted to with a TV show which is named “be tempting offer令人心动的offer”. There are eight students who would be graduated from university and they want to get the offer in the end. I like a boy who is in the third grade in Beihang University. He is a smart and cheerful boy. He usually encourages friends and help them to break the sense of  anxiety anxious with his patience. I will be very lucky If there is a friend like him besides me.


strength – you dian

gossip – ba gua

playboy – hua hua gong zi

douche – zha nan

pretend – jia zhuang
i.e. Luo Zhixiang pretends to be a good guy but he is actually a douche.

condescending comments – 高高在上的评论 = 凡尔赛文学

host – 主持人

show off – 炫耀

observation reality show – 观察类综艺

jellyfish – 水母

endangered – 濒临灭绝的

fishing – 捕鱼/钓鱼

species – 物种 (量词)

net – wang

marine – sea-related 海洋的

critically – 严重地

critical – 严重的

creature – 生物

threaten (v.) – 威胁

threatened (adj.) – 受到威胁的

actively – 活跃地

active – 活跃的

brink – edge 边缘

extinction – 灭绝

chips (UK) – 薯条

chips (US) – 薯片

crisps (UK) – 薯片

sustainable (adj.) – 可持续的 can last for a long time

alternative – another option 备选

consumer – the people who pay money for items 消费者 = customer

fishery – 捕鱼业

weird – strange

squishy – wet and soft

chewy – 有弹性的

hard boiled egg -水煮蛋

egg yolk – 蛋黄

texture – 触感


Scientists think they have found an answer to the problem of food shortages. One solution could be for us to eat jellyfish. This could also help to protect fish and other sea life that are endangered. Researchers from the University of Queensland in Australia conducted a study of fishing around the world. They discovered that fishing nets caught 92 endangered species of seafood and 11 species of marine life classed as “critically endangered”. The researchers said this was not illegal as the creatures were not protected. Researcher Dr Leslie Robertson said: “Despite national and international commitments to protect threatened species, we actively fish for many of these threatened species.”

The researchers warned we are eating species of fish and other sea life that are on the brink of extinction. They suggested that eating jellyfish could help protect fish that are in danger of disappearing from our seas and oceans. Jellyfish could become a common sight on menus, and we could ask for jellyfish and chips instead of fish and chips. The researchers said jellyfish could be a sustainable alternative at seafood restaurants and fish shops. Dr Robertson said seafood is “not as sustainable as consumers would like to think”. She added: “It is possible to manage our fisheries sustainably and eat species that can survive the fishing pressure. We just have to care about weird-looking squishy things like sea cucumbers.”


sp -> sb

st -> sd

sk -> sg

sc -> sg
*except for the ending of a word