VIP Class Notes (Vicki)

Speaking exercise

get on the exciting roller coasters

the seatbelt cannot support me

my heart will jump to my throat

I can’t defeat my fear / I can’t get over my fear.

at/in/on (time) 

at -> specific time
i.e. at 5 o’clock

in -> period of time/part of the day
i.e. in this week
i.e. in 2020
i.e. in the morning/afternoon/evening

on -> specific date/day
i.e. on Monday
i.e. on November 1st

a/the / plural noun


tolerate – ren shou

curve – hu du

accidentally – yi wai de

accident – yi wai

exit – leave

Writing exercise

Write about your favorite holiday

My favorite holiday is national day, because the season is very good, it’s not too hot not too cold. I can wear long dress to hide my fat legs. Wear long dress will not too hot in this holiday, and i also take beautiful pictures. During this time I would like to go to amusement park,  i’m worry about to get on the exciting roller coasters, but I really want to try.

On national day, our country will celebrate military parade every 5 years. The buildings will light up like a show. 71 years ago, our country suffer from pain, fight for our freedom,  finally China establish new country.


My favorite holiday is national day, because the season weather is very good, it’s not too hot or not too cold. I can wear long dresses to hide my fat legs. Wearing long dresses will not make me / be too hot on this holiday, and i also can take beautiful pictures. During this time I would like to go to amusement parks,  I’m worry about to getting on the exciting roller coasters, but I really want to try.

On national day, our country will celebrate holds a military parade every 5 years. The buildings will light up like a show. 71 years ago, our country suffered from pain, fight fought for our freedom,  and finally China establish new country the new China was established on this day.

Needs more review

1ã€fact: The fact is this year I can’t get a promotion.
2ã€thumb/bend: My mother told me that if someone’s thumb is able to bend means this person is clever.
3ã€silly: I’m worried about being seen as a silly person.
4ã€originally:Originally, I don’t like Shanghai, but now I like here very much.
5ã€afraid: I’m afraid of exciting games in the amusement park
6ã€independent:Originally I’m not an independent person.
7ã€zodiac sign/Aquarius : My zodiac sign is Aquarius.
8ã€Scorpio: My teacher is a Scorpio


Prepare a reflection on a piece of interesting news