VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


Finish your last homework.

Write a paragraph about your favorite holiday


a vs e

bat vs. bet

deep vs. dip

win vs. wing

son vs. song

sun vs. sung
I sung a song

sheet vs. shit

beach vs. bitch


present tense

present simple – is/am/are; do/does
i.e. I am a teacher.
i.e. You are a student.
i.e. I do my homework every week.
talking about a general fact or talking about something we do often
i.e. I go to work every day.

present continuous – is/am/are + doing
i.e. I am teaching a class right now.
i.e. You are listening to me right now.
talking about an action that is happening right now
i.e. You are drinking water right now.

past tense

past simple – was/were; did
i.e. I was a student two years ago.
i.e. I worked in an advertising company before.
talking about something that happened in the past without needing to specify the time
i.e. I ate noodles yesterday.

past continuous – was/were + doing
i.e. I was sleeping last night.
i.e. I was drinking water a minute ago.
i.e. I was sleeping yesterday.
talking about a specific action in the past in a specific time
i.e. I was eating noodles yesterday at this time.

future tense

future simple – will +be/do
i.e. I will go to the store later.
i.e. I will be a teacher in the future.
talking about a general fact in the future.
i.e. I will eat bao zi tomorrow morning.

future continuous – will be + doing
i.e. I will be eating bao zi tomorrow morning.
i.e. I will be sleeping tonight.
talking about a specific action in a specific time in the future
i.e. I will be working tomorrow at this time.

Speaking exercise

Tell me about your weekend

Last weekend, I took a flight back to SH from Xinjiang. As soon as I got off the plane, I watched a movie. The movie was not as good as I imagined. After the movie, I had hotpot for dinner. After dinner, I thought the day was over.

Tell me about your weekend coming up

This weekend, I will go get my annual health check. After the health check, I will take / have a rest. I want to eat delicious food and watch a few movies. I will practice my English. On the weekend, I always sleep in so the day will be over quickly.


sleep in – lai chuang

get off a plane


the vs. a

the affected area