VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


fact – information

thumb – the big finger

bend – wan qu

silly – ben ben de

originally – yuan ben

afraid of sth.

independent (adj.)- du li de
i.e. You are a very independent person.

independence (n.) – du li
i.e. You have developed your independence when you were young.

zodiac sign – xing zuo

Scorpio – tian xie

Aquarius – shui ping

commit (v.) – promise, jian chi

scroll (v.)- hua dong
scroll on my phone

browse (v.) – look through
browse on Taobao

science-fiction — sci-fi

rating – ping fen

comedy – funny movies

relax – qing song

meaning behind the story – 电影背后的含义

tongue twister – yao kou ling

talkative – talk a lot

color tone – se diao

plot – ju qing

sentiment – qing huai
i.e. There is a sentiment attached to the movies.


I studied in university in SH

is are there some relatives in Nanjing

cannot do a thing for a long time -> Cannot commit to one thing for a long time.

This type of movie with make me look good 

There are not most favorite comedy movies -> There is no one favorite comedy for me

It is not as good as Toy Story 4

You don’t need to do anything for someone you care about because you need to do the things something you really want to do

He acts the same around everyone, except for his daughter. -> his actions are all the same with everyone

Although he is very warm, he is still funny.

I began to like him more and more because he is not serious anymore.

He has a big responsibility


Review the vocab and write one sentence for each new word