VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


It rained the whole time I was in Changsha.

It’s different from the food in Chongqin.

We needed to wait in line.

Compared with going with my husband, I prefer to go with friends.

We could stay up late every night.

take picture 

smells great, taste fantastic 

Every store has a line.

I just need to leave Shanghai. That will be relaxing enough for me.

The store opened 3 months ago.

We think the store has a great potential to grow.

I don’t have a lack of money.

They can’t put anything on the table that is not work related.

If you want to be promoted, you need to accumulate over 30 months working in Japan.


spicy – la

numbing – ma

salty – too much salt

stinky tofu – chou dou fu

franchise – lian suo

hip – pen gu

potential – qian li

collaborate – he zuo

supervisor – zhu guan

work overtime – jia ban

daily product – ri yong pin

good taste – hao de shen mei

plaid shirt – ge zi shan

roll sb’s eyes – bai yan

coded – dai ma de

plain shirt – shirt with no pattern

jeans – niu zai ku

tight – jin

oppressed – ya yi de

rush hour – 上班高峰期

accumulate – lei ji

annual leave – nian jia

compensation – the money to make up for things (bu tie)

tourist attraction – jing dian

eel – man yu


Write about your trip to Suzhou and review the vocab