VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


university – da xue

are you excited to go to the UK – are you looking forward to go to the UK

have you been to the UK?


fairest wheel – mo tian lun

fair – ji shi

hardly – not nearly
hardly wait – 等不及
hardly speak – 几乎不能说

thought – think (past participle)

mend – to fix (修理)

fence – a structure to protect things inside

cornfield – 玉米地

field – 田野

corn – 🌽

pasture – 牧场

strange – 奇怪的 – not normal – weird
i.e. It is strange that he is standing by himself.

normal – 普通的/正常的

sky – 天空

noise – 噪音

near – 近
adj. + er -比较级

nearer – 更近

nearer and nearer – 越来越近

above – on top of

gasoline – 汽油 – gas
i.e. I need to get some gas for my car.

garage – where we park our cars 停车场

park (noun.) – 公园

park (v.) – 停车

Speaking exercise

A: Tell me about your best friend

I have three best friends. They are friends from different times in my life. One of them, she is my classmates from primary school. She is funny. We were in the same high school. She is my classmate and she used to sit behind me. We are now in the same university. Another one is my classmate from middle school. Every year we have to be separated into different classes. But we are always classmates for three years. And now she is in Hebei University. So she is far away from meThe last one is my classmate when we were studying art together. study art classmate. She lives near my city. And sometimes she goes to my city and play with me and my friend. So my three best friends, they all know each other. We are all best friends with each other.