VIP Class Notes (Tony) [ W]


Read at home:

Marie Curie was one of the most accomplished scientists in history….

Questions 8 – 14.

Be ready to answer in class next time.

Writing exercise

i am Henry Hu, and my favourite ice-cream Is mango. Becase it’s sweet and yummy!

I’m Henry Hu, and my favorite ice-cream Is mango. Because it’s sweet and yummy!


my mother let me to do some homework that was not assigned by the school

Capital (Uppercase) Letters – the larger letters

eg: You should always use a capital letter for names.

Lowercase Letters – The smaller letters

eg: Don’t put a lowercase letter at the beginning if a city name. shanghai Shanghai.

Capitalize – To make a letter capital.

eg: You need to capitalize the letter i.

Alphabet – all the letters in a language

eg: Chinese does not have an alphabet.

eg: These names are alphabetized, from A to Z.

…ize – to make into a verb.

eg: When we put …i z e on the end of some words, they become verbs.

Contraction – a short form of a word, when you put two words together, and leave out some letters

eg: I’m is a contraction of I and am.

eg: Didn’t is a contraction of did and not.

eg: We’ll is a contraction of we and will.

eg: You need to put an apostrophe where the missing letters are, in a contraction.

Apostrophe   ^^

Lab = Laboratory

Let – Let somebody do something

eg: My mom let me go to that movie. I’m excited because I really wanna see it.

eg: My teacher didn’t let us use our phones in class. But I wanna use my phone in class.

Get – get somebody to do something

eg: My teacher got me to write down the notes.

eg: I got someone to do it for me.

Make – make somebody do something

eg: My grandma made me help her cook dinner. But I wanted to go play with my cousins.

eg: My parents don’t make me eat some food that I don’t like.


Laboratory – Lab Ruh Tory

Professor -Pruh Fess Err

scientific – Sai en Tiff Ik

university – Youna Versa Tee

dedicate – Dedduh Kate

reveal – Ruh Veel

mystery – Miss Terr Ree