VIP Class Notes (Tony) [W]


Write some sentences to explain your answers for the questions from the homework.

Example: “Terrestrial” means land. No choice here offers a synonym for “marine,” e.g. nautical/naval/water/seagoing, and no other choices match either marine or terrestrial.


North, East, South, West Of – outside of that place and in this direction

eg: Guangzhou is South of Shanghai. (Not IN Shanghai, To the South)

tangle – when strings or cords cross many times or get tied together in a big mess.

eg: These cords are very tangled, I can’t find the end to plug in.

eg: Her hair was really tangled after they put birthday cake on her face.

chill (V) – to make cold

eg: Can you chill these drinks?

chilly (adj) – a little cold

eg: It’s a little chilly today.

curriculum – everything you study in school, the class material

eg: The curriculum for this school is much harder.

extracurricular – activities, like classes, clubs or sports, that happen outside of normal school time

eg: Many good colleges want students to have some extracurricular activities.

eg: Do you do any extracurricular activities?

peninsula – water on three sides of land, like an island attached to a continent


this is means / that word means…


1. The 16th century was an age of great ______ exploration.

A. cosmic
B. land
C. mental
D. common man
E. None of the above

2. Magellan lost the favor of the king of Portugal when he became involved in a political ________.

A. entanglement
B. discussion
C. negotiation
D. problem
E. None of the above

3. The Pope divided New World lands between Spain and Portugal according to their location on one side or the other of an imaginary geographical line 50 degrees west of Greenwich that extends in a _________ direction.

A. north and south
B. crosswise
C. easterly
D. south east
E. north and west

4. One of Magellan’s ships explored the _________ of South America for a passage across the continent.

A. coastline
B. mountain range
C. physical features
D. islands
E. None of the above

5. Four of the ships sought a passage along a southern ______.

A. coast
B. inland
C. body of land with water on three sides
D. border
E. Answer not available

6. The passage was found near 50 degrees S of ________.

A. Greenwich
B. The equator
C. Spain
D. Portugal
E. Madrid

7. In the spring of 1521, the ships crossed the _______ now called the International Date Line.

A. imaginary circle passing through the poles
B. imaginary line parallel to the equator
C. area
D. land mass
E. Answer not available


Peninsula – Puh Nin Suh Luh