VIP Class Notes (Tony) [W]


Flavor – Flay Verr

Ingredient – In Gree Dee Yent

expired – ecks Spy errr’d

employees – Emm PLoy yEEz


He doesn’t have artistic genes, he’s not good at art.

there are a lot of bad impressions about GMOs in China

a few years later I realized

she also just realized it

the original one / the organic one

they refill it with an expired one

light bulbs

expired – past the date it should be sold by

eg: Don’t drink that milk, it’s expired.

flavor – a kind of taste

eg: The starbuck’s mooncakes have some special flavors. Like matcha and some starbuck’s drinks flavors.

eg: This drink is only strawberry flavored, it doesn’t even have any real strawberries in it.

eg: Grape drink does not have real grapes in it. Just water, sugar and grape flavor.

matcha – Japanese green tea powder

eg: I ordered a matcha latte.

mocha – cocoa powder, that is bitter and heavy tasting

eg: I don’t want a mocha, it’s too rich.

foundation – thing that something is built on

eg: Our life’s foundation is not only money but also.


There‘s a topic for every week

when I drank it

Writing exercise

Last week I took a business trip to Hangzhou to attend a pitch meeting in Alibaba Ant Finance. This was the 1st time I went to Alibaba zone after I heard it many times. Alibaba group is one of the top-ranking companies in China. Their employee’s pride was obvious because everyone looked confidence and happiness. It is true that who should be proud of being one of Ali.
All Ali’s office buildings are in a same area, they have their own dining hall, and KFC, Family Mart are in there as well. You could also find all the equipment there are high-tech and user-friendly.
I think a successful company should focus on not only their business but also their employees since the employees are company’s fundamental element.

Last week I took a business trip to Hangzhou to attend a pitch meeting at Alibaba Ant Financial. This was the 1st time I went to the Alibaba zone in Hangzhou after I heard about it many times. Alibaba group is one of the top-ranking companies in China. Their employee’s pride was obvious because everyone looked confident and happy. It is true that their employees should be proud to work there.
All of Ali’s office buildings are in the same area, they have their own dining hall, and KFC, Family Marts are in there as well. You will also see all the equipment there is high-tech and user-friendly.
I think a successful company should focus not only on their revenue but also on their employees since the employees are every company’s foundation.