VIP Class Notes (Tony) [S]


Write about why Doufu (Tofu) is healthy:

Give an example from your life.


When I [ arrive at / get ]  home

I will have some meat??? What kind? How is it cooked or made?

Some meat dish

Some stir fry with meat and veggies

they have the same number of road) address

they released a book of every foods’ nutrients

they put the decimal point in the wrong place.

I don’t eat drink milk anymore.

Silk will launch an almond milk product in China this year.

Brewery – a place where they make (brew)  beer.

eg: I would recommend Stone Brewery, it’s near Jing An. They have great beers and good food.

Good for you = Healthy

eg: Spinach is good for you.


Popeye – Pop,   Eye (blue eyes)

Stir – Sterr

eg: Stir it until its ready. – Ste Rit tun til lits sready.

Fire – Fai Err

Fry – Fuh Rai   /  F’Ride

Speaking exercise

Healthy Chinese food:


fermented bean curd

bean sprouts:

Why don’t you like bean sprouts?

because when I was middle school student , in our schools restaurant they always give us the bean sprouts as vegetable maybe one or two times per week, first time I feel I thought the taste of bean sprouts is normal. Just normal not very good, but because they are ooking ways, of bean sprout is terrible, just maybe have some oil. And the fired tofu, Just stirred them together, so after that I know this bean sprout is very good for health but the taste is very bad, so I never had this later, for 2 years when I was in middle school, so until now I still felt this veggie is not very good, the only one way I can accept is put them in the soup.

Because when I was a middle school student, in our schools restaurant cafeteria they always give us the bean sprouts as vegetable sides maybe one or two times per week, The first time I thought the taste of bean sprouts was normal. Just normal not very good, but because the way they cook it is terrible, it was just maybe fried in oil quickly with the already fried tofu. They just stirred them together, so after that I know these bean sprouts are very good for you but the taste is very bad, so I never had this again for the rest of middle school, so until now I still felt like these veggies are not very good, the only way I can accept them is to put them in the soup.


they had mistakes with spinach

the steaks there are good

The only I can accept (STH) is to (do what?)