VIP Class Notes (Tony) [R]


How many days off do you have a week?

I usually have one day or two days off every week. – I have one or two days off a week.

he took credit from someone else

another doctor will do the surgery, and he will take credit for it

he may be unstable

on call – at home, but could be called in to work

eg: I am on call today, so I can’t drink any wine.

eg: I am on call, so I can’t go to that concert.

technique – the way you do something

eg: His technique is not so great.

eg: They can both do the surgery quickly, but her technique is much safer than his technique.


contact withcontact other chiefs

he likes a thief – Ta xi huan

he is like a thief – Ta lei si


I‘m already finished (ADJ.)

Subject + ADV. + V. + Past Tense(-ed)

I already finished (V.) (Past Tense)

I finished.


Cedric Vaivre – Hi Cedric, how do I pronounce your last name?
