VIP Class Notes (Tony) [R]


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Woman Frequently Sleeps with Wet Hair, Shockingly Suffers Facial Paralysis


I was on duty every day 5 times a week.

I’m on duty 5 days a week.

I suffered facial paralysis. I recovered after about 5 months.

my skin was red and my face was paralyzed

my left eye can not see anything I could not see anything out of my left eye, and I could not hear from both my ears.

prepare something – to make something ready.

eg: I created a competition, I will prepare the competition, then it will begin in 10 days.

prepare for something – to make yourself ready for something

eg: I want to enter Tony’s competition, I will prepare for it all next week.

panic V. N. – a feeling of fear and excitement

eg: Don’t panic, but the building is on fire.

spasm – a violent an uncontrolled movement, usually from muscles or nerves.

eg: She suffered spasms in her face.

numb – can not feel

eg: My face was numb.


paralyze – Para Lize          that will paralyze you

paralyzed – Para LieZ’d    My face was paralyzed.      Lie Zid

paralysis – Puh-ralla Sis    Facial paralysis is serious

crap – krAp’       This is crap. (shit)

crab – kraabb     I can’t eat crab.

nauseous – nAw Shus        I felt nauseous.  = I felt like vomiting.

spasm – Spah  Zm      Zim   Zem