VIP Class Notes (Tony)


more stronger

physical therapy

i don’t didn’t want to take get that plastic surgery

Math English

Subtract From – take away from

eg: If you subtract 5 from 10, you get 5.


eg: What is 5 minus 8?      5 minus 8 is -3.

Add to

eg: Can you add these 4 to those 6? Then we will have 10.

Multiply By

The tourists are multiplying every year.

Divide By

What is 3013 minus 2017?

3013 – 2017 = ?





– 4



Thirty thirteen, minus twenty seventeen is nine hundred ninety six.

you can subtract 7 from 30.

What? 30 minus 7 is 23. That doesn’t add up.

No, I mean 13(ThirTeeN) minus 7 to get 6.

You take 13 minus 7 to get 6.

Then 10 minus 1 to get 9.

Then 29 minus 20 to get 9.

Then you have 996.


Thirtieth – 30th – Ther-dee-ith

I live on the 30th floor.

Today is her 30th birthday.

Thirteenth – 13th

It’s their 13th anniversary.

Multiply – Mull Te Plai

Needs more review

Jessica’s Review Examples:

Will you have a dinner with a few friends from your hometown on Christmas day?

Do you have a few friends that you grew up with in china?

Do we have class together today?

When will you move away to from Shanghai?

When did you come to Shanghai?

How long do you spend to prepare for going out? / How long do you take to get ready? It takes me an hour to get ready.