VIP Class Notes (Tony)


I read this.

You read what?

I read the notes.

I read these notes.

I read the December 5th notes.

I like corgi very much / I really like corgis

I was very excited.

She had sharp teeth.

I didn’t scared

I haven’t scared

I wasn’t scared.

I was never scared of her.

puppy – baby dog

eg: All puppies have sharp teeth.

Pomeranian – Bo mei, a small dog with long straight hair

eg: I had a little Pomeranian, she her name is Pi Dan.

Her name is Pi Dan she is a female girl dog, who is not a boy male.

German Shepherd – a big strong dog, often used by police.

eg: I was bitten by a German Shepherd when I was young.

territory – area that someone owns/controls  ear

eg: The back yard is my dog’s territory.

territorial – protective about their area

eg: Don’t go near the dog’s food bowl, he is very territorial. You’ll be get bitten.

protective – wants to protect

eg: Only family members can touch his ears, he is very protective.

Is your dog a male or female? / Is it a boy or girl.

What’s his/her/ your dog’s name?

Is your bird a male or female?


I have had a dog 3 years ago.

It was stolen.


5th – FiF-th /     FiTH

read (PAST Tense)  RED.

corgi – KoRR gee