VIP Class Notes (Tony)


I don’t know what salary means.

What does salary mean?

the patients is more

There are more patients in the hospital than normal.

every the end of every month

yes, I need to do more paperwork also

I hope I will start to do perform surgery in 2019.

I always help patients find their problem in their body

my prescription handwriting is good

Have you had surgery?

No, I’ve never had surgery.

She has had surgery.

count – to find how many

eg: He counts the number of patients

prescription – a piece of paper written by a doctor, which the patient gives to the pharmacist. the pharmacist reads the prescription and he fills the prescription for the patient.    2. the medicine the doctor told you to take

eg: I write too many prescriptions every day.

eg: I can’t read the doctor’s prescription because his writing is unclear.

eg: The pharmacy filled the heart medicine prescription for the patient.

2. eg: My prescription is almost finished, I need to refill it.

over the counter – OTC, things you can buy at the pharmacy, you don’t need a prescription.

eg: You can buy that over the counter at the pharmacy.


Patients – Pay   Shen-s(i)

count – CowN’t

he counts the patients

aspirin – As-Prin


ADJ. + N.

handwriting (ADJ.) prescription (N.)

I need to get a handwriting prescription, because my handwriting is so bad, hahahaha.  (Medicine to help your handwriting)

I wrote an aspirin prescription for my patients.

I got my mom’s heart medicine prescription.

prescription (ADJ) handwriting. (N)

My prescription handwriting is good. But, my exam handwriting is bad.

whiteboard (ADJ.) handwriting (N.)

My whiteboard handwriting is excellent. But on paper it’s not great.

Are those prescription glasses?    No.