VIP Class Notes (Tony)


go into shock

how did she find out, she is allergic to gluten?

my friend used to drink milk every day, before she knew she was allergic to dairy.

They are working on a new one and it will be better

it will be five times bigger

There are so many patients in our hospital.

a chain store – more than one of this restaurant, store…

eg: The biggest fast food chain in the world is Subway Sandwiches.

Chain – a series of links connected together

eg: There was a chain reaction after his surgery. First he had low blood pressure, then he had breathing problems, then he had very strong migraines.

allergic – when you eat or touch something and your body has a bad reaction to it

eg: I’m allergic to peanuts (huasheng)

allergen – the thing that you are allergic to

eg: She tested for many allergens.

gluten – (mian jin) a substance found in wheat, and rice

eg: My sister is allergic to gluten.

eg: Glutenous rice is very sticky.

Vomit – when you are sick, and the food comes back up

eg: He was vomiting all day, he is very sick.

Diarrhea – fu xie, la du zi

eg: She didn’t know why she always had diarrhea.

dairy – anything made from milk – cheese, butter

eg: I’m not allergic to dairy, but it makes my stomach upset.


health – Hell   TH’


dairy – D’   Air   rYi

diarrhea – Die Uh Ree Uh

medium – Mee Dee Ummmmm (Closed mouth)


Small Medium Large

Coffee Sizes

Medium Large


Tall   Grande   Venti


Have worked there    (you still work there)    FROM the PAST until NOW

I had worked there (Maybe you don’t work there now) (you should say something that happened after this)    OR

I had worked there.   = I worked there.

I had worked there for 1 year, then they changed all the rooms.

I worked there for 1 year, then they changed all the rooms.

I had worked there while hu Jin Tao was president.