VIP Class Notes (Tony)


it makes my skin dry

swimming in the pool makes my eyes red

he do some muscle exercises – he was lifting

the doctor was not sure when he can recover his hearing

no gravity, being weightless is good for his hearing

shorten your lifespan

it’s a man made chemical

Stir-Fry – cooked in oil in a pan, usually high heat

eg: I usually make some stir fry fish or beef with vegetables.

Oyster Sauce

Soy Sauce

Fish Sauce – often used in Thai cooking

Basil – a leafy green with a strong but pleasant smell

Kaffir Lime Leaves – for thai cooking

Simmer (V. ) – to cook something on a very low heat

eg: Reduce the heat and let it simmer.

inflammation –

eg: Red meat can cause inflammation.

Acidic (adj) – has a high content of Acid, which can be harmful to things,

eg: Don’t eat too many lemons, because they are acidic and can damage your teeth.

eg: Red meat is very acidic, so it’s not the healthiest thing.

Basic – a Base compound, opposite of Acidic.

eg: Baking Soda is a basic compound.

PH balance – the balance between acidic and basic

eg: They need to test the PH balance in the pool.

Thorough  – paying attention to every detail, doing something very well and not missing any part.

eg: After swimming I shower thoroughly, because there’s a lot of chemicals in the water.

Chronic – long lasting and strong problem, usually medical

eg: He has chronic pain in his chest.

Probiotic – helpful bacteria for your body

steroids – a kind of medicine which boosts strength, there are many kinds of steroids

eg: Steroids are very bad for your health.

eg: Most professional cyclists were using steroids.


I was running a lot, and got a pain in the arch of my foot