VIP Class Notes (Tony)


Tongue Twister – a phrase or sentence that is very difficult to pronounce, especially quickly

eg: Mary sells sea shells down by the sea shore.

eg: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

tether – to tie something to another thing, so that it does not move,    to connect two things, like tying them together.

eg: You need to tether(V.) your boat, or it will float away.

Henry’s eg: I need to tether (tie) my dog to the tree.

eg: That big dog is tethered(adj) to a tree.

Henry’s eg: The boat is tethered to a stake on the river bank.

eg: That is a big dog and a very small tether. (N)

Henry’s eg: There is a broken tether laying on the ground, I think my dog escaped.

eg: There’s no wi-fi, so I’ll have to tether my phone to my laptop.

device – usually an electronic tool, something made for a particular purpose

eg: We have to give the teacher our devices before we take the exam.

tetherball – is a sport, and there is a ball that is tied with a tether to a tall pole.

eg: I’ve never played tetherball and I don’t want to.

Could – if something happens

eg: I could go there is you want.

eg: I couldn’t stand it.


An electronic device


1. Tell me something that happened today after you had been in class for a while.

after I’d been in my class I had my P.E. exam – After I’d been to one class I had my P.E. exam.

2. Tell me sth you had done before your parents got home.

I had already finished my HW before my parents came back.

3. Tell me something that IF you HAD DONE it, you WOULD HAVE DONE a different situation.

If I had passed my last exam tomorrow. – If I had passed my last exam I would have played with my classmates. / If I had passed my last exam I would have been able to play with my classmates.

I would have had lessons if they hadn’t held a holiday.