VIP Class Notes (Tony)


feature her brand in my studio, her dresses are also available for purchase

Can I buy it?

yes, it is available for purchase.

if her product is featured too prominently, we could lose our brand image. People would think it is just her studio.

there must be…

Prominent (ADJ) – 1. important and well-known 2. easily seen or noticed

eg: The most prominent building in Jing an is the Temple, even though its not as tall as other buildings.

eg: Yao Ming is the most prominent person in Shanghai.

Stipulations – some terms that you must agree on, in order to have a deal

eg: We will discuss some stipulations of our deal today.

eg: We have stipulations about using more than one brand at our studio.

purchase – to buy

eg: Where did you purchase this item?


I will meet a client to…

He tell told me

I agree with some of what he said / I agree with some of it / I agree with some of the article

there are must be a way for animals to communicate information