VIP Class Notes (Tony)


Watch Portlandia

Tell the teacher about one of the parts of the show.

Summarize that part.

What did you think was funny about it?

American Accents Video

Actor, Fred Armisen from the TV show Portlandia.


Drawl – a long drawn out pronunciation

eg: It’s really hard to understand his southern drawl.

farm to table – food is directly from the farm to your home. should be healthier

eg: In States like Oregon, especially on the west coast, people like healthy organic food. So they do a lot of farm to table businesses.

Nutrients – the things your body needs, found in food.

eg: Generally food with darker and deeper colors has more nutrients.

eg: Cauliflower is white, so it probably has more nutrients than Broccoli, which is green.

Brunch – more like an Event or small party with friends, usually drinking alcohol, like Champagne and Orange juice.

eg: We’re gonna get brunch with some friends this weekend, do you wanna join?


Generally – Gen Uh Ruh Lee  Gen Ruh Lee

Probably – Prob Blee