VIP Class Notes (Tony)


When I got home

What did you like?

I like that, my patients respect and trust me.

shark – a large predator fish in the ocean

eg: He has to worry about sharks.

wastematerial that is left over or that is unwanted after something has been made, done, or used

eg: He has to worry about nuclear waste, especially in Japan.


he is afraid that it will be mentally tough

He is going to swim across the Pacific ocean

I will be read it better than before

a 51 year old french man

Homework Corrections:

He set off from Japan

I’ll reach the Jing An Temple in 30 min.

I suffer from exhaustion after I finish my shift.

Do you have any injuries?

It’s a hard challenge.

It will be a challenge, but I think we can do it.

I’m extremely (ADV) tired.

I’m working solo tonight.