VIP Class Notes (Tony)


1. Read the article

2. Write a short opinion essay

3. Mention some points “According to the author” and your opinions. To see how they match up.

250-300 words.

Quick Questions:

What do you mean? ( Don’t know/ Disagree )

Do you mean ____? (Kinda know)

Example: To blow it

eg: What do you mean blow it? We were successful.

eg: Do you mean he lost the chance? He blew it?

Yes, that’s exactly what I mean.


The Grand Canyon.

Attention Deficit Disorder – A.D.D. is a somewhat new problem in America. personally I don’t believe it

eg: He was diagnosed with A.D.D. by the doctor. Thankfully he doesn’t have A.D.H.D. ( h= hyper )

Cornered the market – to be in full control of a part of the market without any competitors

eg: Li Yang cornered the market for very extroverted and exciting English lessons.


Grammar Rules:

A lot of English Grammar has overlapping meanings. So you have a few options to make the sentence that has the same meaning. You don’t need to memorize or really even study grammar that hard. You just need to be aware of the forms of words, accompanying prepositions and what is common.

Grammar rules to NEVER forget:

Singular or Plural?  How many?

I have two cat. (Sounds stupid)  I have two cats.

There were 40 child in my class. Children.

Articles (How many or which one?)

A, An, The…

Give me an orange.

Give me a banana.

Give me the banana. (You know which banana)

In General: or Specify

Give me bananas. (Don’t care how many, or which ones)

Give me water. (Makes sense)

Give me some bananas.

Give me his bananas.

I was a little regretful

I regretted it a little.

Each class runs about 2 hours. (runtime)

Phonics – Faw Niks

Parrot (N.)

Parrot (V.)

Parroting (V. )


Phonics – Faw Niks