VIP Class Notes (Tony)


wine and dine (V.) – treat them to some things

eg: In china you need to wine and dine your clients.

schmooze (V) – being very social, in order to get new friends. maybe fake.   2. to talk with someone in a friendly way often in order to get some advantage for yourself

eg: I schmoozed my boss yesterday, but I really hate doing that.

take someone out – usually to eat or drink and you pay for it

eg: We will take the new clients out to Si Chuan food.

order (V) – to buy things, that are then sent to you later.

eg: I ordered a large pizza.

book (V) – to reserve a time, or place especially for a service.

eg: She booked a class for tomorrow morning. (reserved time)

eg: Can we book a table at that restaurant? I know it’s usually so busy. (Place)

order (N) – the document that has all the details for the transaction

eg: Did you check their order.

fusion – two things merged together

eg: It’s like Japanese Mexican fusion.

eg: There are a lot of Korean fusion restaurants in California.

collar – the top part pf the shirt

eg: The dog bit her collar.

office politics

eg: There was a lot of office politics at Nike.


I be used to the B part – I got used to (To change from “Not Used to”, to…  “Used to”

I think the cat is scary – I think cats are scary

She is scared of the dog – She is scared of dogs.

the dog catched caught her

the dog bit her

to help the client have a more cost efficiency efficient plan

Did you like working for nike?

yes, I liked it.

my English is very well good

I can speak English very well