VIP Class Notes (Tony)


1. Ask a lot of questions:   If you don’t fully understand, ask a question.

2. No, one word answers. Never. Ever!

Do you like shopping?

Yes.      (Does she really understand? or just saying yes?)

(No Speaking practice!)

3. Remember Phrases, Never only remember a single word.

Example: Argue – to have a fight with words, strongly disagree

eg: I am argue to him. (Very bad grammar)

eg: Are you arguing with him?  (Be) arguing with (someone)


Common Class Questions:

What do you mean?

What did you say?

How do you pronounce that word?

How do you spell that word?

Is that like….?

What’s a synonym for that word?

synonym – a different word, with a similar meaning

eg: Big is a synonym for huge.

to get it – to understand

eg: I didn’t really get it.

eg: I didn’t get what you meant.

popped out – to come out of something

eg: A clown popped out of the box when the kids opened it.

come up  – to suddenly think of, to mention

eg: I came up with a great idea to save the company money.

eg: We were talking about clowns and health care came up. I guess clowns have really good health care.

bring up – someone mentions it

eg: We were talking about clowns and Daisy brought up health care. She told us that clowns have really good health care.

agree to disagree – finish our discussion, and still disagree

eg: I guess we just have to agree to disagree, or we will be here all night.

overlap – to share the same space

eg: Many words in English have overlapping meanings.

Communicate VERY BIG GENERAL meaning, any way to share info with people

negotiate – a kind of communication, where you set the terms of the deal.

conditionsomething that you must do or accept in order for something to happen

eg: The deal can be made under one condition. You have to put down 30% of the total purchase order.

circumstancea condition or fact that affects a situation

eg: With these circumstances we have to spend less money, at least for this period of time.

deposit – refundable money, not part of the price

down payment – a large part of the price paid up front.


BE + V + ING