VIP Class Notes (Tibo)(S)

Speaking exercise

The china government asked Mayun to sell shares of alipay to the china government so they control alipay. You can believe in alipay you can regard is as a bank.
Maybe WeChat still belongs to Tencent.

you have no privacy. you go shopping on the internet you scan some websites and the government can monitor you all the time.
In western countries if they want to do that they can do.
Now why there are few criminal cases on the street, the robbers cannot be escaped because so many monitors it is too difficult now.

it is difficult because if you want to take the gold I cannot imagine how large the spaceship is.

He thinks rockets can be reused and he wants to send rockets into space and surround the earth to solve the communication issues.

I believe American people have a lot of guys like Musk, they have a lot of creative ideas to push the humans beings to develop or progress.

The Chinese government asked Jack Ma to sell shares of alipay to the government so they control alipay. You can believe in alipay you can regard is as a bank.
Maybe WeChat still belongs to Tencent.

you have no privacy. you go shopping on the internet you browse some websites and the government can monitor you all the time./ monitor everything you do.
In western countries if they want to do that they can  / they can do it
Now that’s why there are few criminal cases on the street, the robbers cannot escape / stay on the run because there are so many cameras it is too difficult now.
/ there are many cameras so people do not commit crimes anymore. cameras act as a deterrent.

I think aliens exist / I think they exist.

it is difficult because if you want to transport/move/carry the gold I cannot imagine how large the spaceship needs to be.

He thinks rockets can be reused and he wants to send rockets into space and surround the earth to solve the communication issues.

I believe American people have a lot of guys like Musk, they have a lot of creative ideas to push the humans beings to develop or progress.


wealth  (n): money + possession
Most of my wealth is in China

Money transfer (n) : moving money
Western unions helps you with your money transfer

currency exchange (n) : changing one currency for another
I use my bank for currency exchange

peg (n/v): to link at a certain rate
The currency was pegged to the dollar at a 1:10 ratio.

deterrent (n): something that discourages you from doing something
Nuclear weapons work as deterrents, you will never use them but people won’t fight with you because they are scared.

to deter (v) : discourage
It deterred them from doing illegal things

to scan (v) : read information from a code / make a document digital
I scanned the document, made a pdf and sent it to the customer.
I scanned the QR code.

QR code (n) 二维码
QR code payments are popular in China

pick up truck (n) : American style car with big storage
The cyber truck from Tesla is a futuristic American pick up truck.

Elon Musk: tesla CEO
Elon Musk built a car factory for electric cars.

to reuse (v): use again
We can reuse rockets

to recycle (v) : go though a change to be used again
We recycle plastic

UFO (n) (unidentified flying object) :
a UFO was spotted in Area 51

spaceship (n) 飞船
we boarded a spaceship to go to mars

Aliens (n) : 外星人
I don’t think aliens exist

Area 51 (n) place for alien research

national security (n) : keeping the country safe
He threatened national security and was arrested

embassy (n) :  大使馆
I went to the embassy to ask for a visa

Ecuador (n) 厄瓜多尔
Julian Assenge stayed in the Ecuadorian embassy for several years.

to expose (v) : reveal something about someone
Snowden exposed the things the CIA was doings

exile (n) : unable to go back to one’s hometown/ home country
He is in exile because he would go to prison in his home country

to extradite (v) To send to another country no matter one’s choice
Canada refused to extradite her

extradition (n)
China has no extradition agreement with the US so many corrupt officials move to the US when they are exposed.


convenient (adj)
