VIP Class Notes (Tibo)[S]

Speaking exercise

If it is raining less people walk around so sell less but we now have delivery. Delivery helps especially at rainy days. We will have more online orders.
I think it will be around 25%. Because selling a milk tea is a not a very motive.
If today you are going to buy a TV it is motive, you really need it. you are going to buy it.
Milk tea people see the store h have one. Seasons is not a big influence. do not change a lot.
Weather determines if we sell a lot or not.
Perfect conditions are festivals, national holidays and week ends. So I always week days here to have English class because most working days are not very busy. at week end and national holidays I work.
Because my employee they are not from Shanghai during this new year festival they will go back to hometown so they ask for leave then me and my husband my mum my dad come to help.
But in China at national days if they ask you to work Chinese they ask you to work they have to pay triple salary. Some employees they think triple pay is good so they chose to stay.
Our milk tea is from Taiwan we have a lot of Taiwanese we don’t need to pay.

The peak hour usually happens at afternoon 2pm to 5pm.

we pay hour pay

they have less responsibilities

If it is raining less people walk around so we will sell less/ we generally sell less but we now have deliveries / a delivery service. Delivery helps especially on/during rainy days. We will have more online orders.
I think it will be around 25% less / Usually we sell 25% less on rainy days / our sales are 25% lower on average during rainy days. Because selling a milk tea is a not a motivated action / something people plan.
If today you are going to buy a TV it is a motivated action, you really need it. you are going to buy it no matter the weather.
For milk tea, people see the store and decide to have one or not. Seasons do not have a big influence on sales / seasons do not determine sales. It does not change a lot from season to season.
Weather determines if we sell a lot or not.
Perfect conditions are festivals, national holidays and week ends. So I usually don’t work on week days and I come here to have English classes because most working days are not very busy. on week ends and national holidays I work.
Since my employees are not from Shanghai during the new year festival they will go back / they prefer to go back to their hometown to their hometown so they ask for leave so my husband my mum my dad and I will work at the store.
But in China on national days if your boss asks you to work he/she needs to pay you triple salary./give you triple pay.
Some employees think triple pay is good so they chose to stay.
Since our  brand is from Taiwan we have a lot of Taiwanese employees at other stores and we don’t need to pay.
The peak hour usually happens at afternoon 2pm to 5pm.

we calculate the salary per hour / on an hour basis / we calculate the salary hourly. 


responsibility : what one has to take care of
It is our responsibility to make sure our kids have a good education.

sense of responsibility : ability of someone to be responsible
Student usually don’t have a good sense of responsibility they don’t care about what happens.
Since they don’t have a good sense of responsibilities I do not give them responsibilities.

motive (n) : reason why someone does something
The police investigates the motive of the crime.
The motive of the thief was to make money before the spring festival.

to be motivated : to have motivation
He is not motivated because it is raining.

motivation : How much someone wants to do something
He has a motivation to work during the holiday because he can get triple pay.

minimum wage: legal minimum salary
The hourly minimum wage is 22 yuan.

dormitory 宿舍
We pay for the dormitory.

actions speak better than words : don’t trust what people say but look at what they do

enumeration : list of something
My family, my friends, my sister and is an enumeration.


prefer to do something
I prefer to work on holidays because I can earn more.

Prefer + Ving
I prefer drinking sweet tea

prefer something
I prefer tea

Do not use because at the start of a sentence -> use since instead
Since it is raining today I won’t go to the shop. = I won’t go to the shop because it is raining today

put yourself last in an enumeration  (polite)
My brother, my sister and I