VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Today we focused on:

Speaking + grammar (make somebody do something)


Write a few sentences using the grammar constructions : make somebody do something / let somebody do something.

Speaking exercise

some have some of them have some interests.-> some shops / products let you buy and pay over 3 months to 1 year with an interest rate.
when you buy things or goods that you can use your thing’s price. -> when you buy things or goods they let you split the payment over several months 
I think it is a good thing because I use it everywhere from China to foreign countries.
I can use my credit card and alipay. we can use it everywhere. In taobao and JD like that. -> on Taobao…
It is dangerous to my purchase. -> It is dangerous because it makes me spend more.
That is old people but young people also do that.  -> Old people do that / the previous generation did that but young people are different

I think so many people have it. I have more than 1.
Because in China if you have 1 credit card you can got some presents. so so many people they apply for a credit card in order to got presents. / many people apply for a credit card just to get the sign up presents
I borrow money on Alipay because they give me a low rate and a big limit.

Alipay actually that is social tool that can connect persons to shops -> Alipay is actually just a platform that connects borrowers to lenders

Alipay has a lot of functions.

I prefer Alipay because my husband works for ant financials.
You use WeChat often than Alipay -> more often than
Just buy some things I actually need.

11/11 have shops attend more than 12/12 -> There are more shops which participate in/on 11/11 than 12/12
it is men’s habits. They buy things they actually want but women want to buy everything.


analysis / analyze


Needs more review

to take off: 1 : to go in the air (plane) /2:  become successful
喜茶 took off in less than a year.
Elon Musk took off in the past 3 years.

requirements :What is needed
One of the requirements to borrow money on Alipay is to be over 18.

prerequisite : what is needed before you can start something.
One of the prerequisites to borrow money is to be older than 18.

to sign up : to join/ enroll
I sign up to a new website.


to split 切开 / 分担
I had dinner with my friend and we split the bill
I split the payment over 3 months.

to depreciate : to go down in value 贬值
Gold depreciated over the last 3 months.

To appreciate : to go up in value 升值
Silver appreciated last week.

credit score / credit history : your ability to get a loan and pay it back in time.
My credit score is high because I never missed a payment

borrower: someone who borrows
Many borrowers get money on Alipay

lender : someone who lends
many banks act as lenders on Alipay.

…er: someone who does ….
baker : someone who bakes
teacher: someone who teaches…


make somebody do something (no choice/obligation) / let somebody do something (choice)
I made my daughter finish her HW before dinner.
I let my daughter play games at night
We made them lower their price because we bought a large number of products.
I made them complete their work because we have an important customer.
I made the team work overtime because we had a deadline.

I will make my assistant send the document to you
I will let my assistant send the document to you

I bought something on taobao and made them deliver it to my office.