VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [W+S+R+L]


Use some voc words in a writing

Writing exercise

(persist / Persistent / determine / alpha male / groceries / user-friendly / pros and cons)
pros and cons of joining a gym
As the improvement of people’s life quality, more and more people concern about the health, and consequently there are kinds of gyms around us. But we have to think carefully before joining a gym. It both has pros and cons.
Pros: you can find a lot of equipment in a gym. You can choose anything to exercise. Joining a gym can persist in exercising. A professional trainer also helps you exercising effectively.
Cons: There’s an expensive membership rate when you join a fitness club. After you determined to join a membership , you have to spend time to get there , and have to exercise whatever you like the class or not. If you go to the gym on weekend, there will be crowded around the equipment. It is also awkward to be watched you you’re exercising furiously.

(persist / Persistent / determine / alpha male / groceries / user-friendly / pros and cons)
pros and cons of joining a gym

As people’s life quality improves , more and more people have concerns about/realize the importance of their health, and consequently there are many kinds of gyms around us. But we have to think carefully before joining a gym. It both has pros and cons.

Pros: you can find a lot of equipments in a gym. You can choose any of them to exercise. Joining a gym can help you persist in exercising. A professional trainer also helps you exercise effectively.

Cons: There’s an expensive membership rate when you join a fitness club/ Joining can be expensive. After you are determined to join a gym / buy a membership , you have to spend time to get there , and have to exercise no matter if you like the class or not. If you go to the gym on weekends, it will be crowded around the equipments. It is also awkward to be watched when you’re exercising furiously.

Machines are not all user friendly so having a personal training can be a good idea.


irreversible (adj) : cant be changed back
The money transfer was irreversible

hereditary: transmitted to kids
AIDS is an hereditary disease

bald : hairless
Tom started to become bald when he reached 50

asthma 哮喘
He suffers from asthma

hand sanitizer : alcohol based liquid to wash your hands
I used a hand sanitizer after opening the door

to concern (v)  (be about / relate to)
I need to discuss with you about something important. It concerns your kids.

a concern (n) : a worry / something which needs attention
I have some concerns about the virus

to pay attention 注意
We need to pay attention to our health.

rate (n) : %
The rate of divorces increased during the quarantine

to make ends meet : make enough money to survive
He works in a factory but the pay is low so he also works a part time job at night to make ends meet.

to accumulate : to become more / pile up
He keeps accumulating bills but he has no money to pay them

Easter : Christian celebration about the Jesus coming back to life
Our HK office celebrated Easter.

to hospitalize : to keep in the hospital because of a serious condition
He was hospitalized for 2 weeks when he got sick

symptom ( n) indicator of an illness / effect
Symptoms of the virus include fever, cough and sore muscles

status items / status symbols : products that make you look rich
Many poor people buy iPhones because they are status items

opt in / opt out : join / leave
The company invited us to a trip but I opted out.

jade (n) 玉
She likes to buy jade

to save : keep money
He saves 50% of his salary

half : 50%
The top 1% saves half of their income

whatever = no matter what you choose
Whatever you do in the future make sure you don’t go to prison.

whenever : no matter when
I am ready whenever you are

however : no matter how
We can get divorced however you want.


help someone (to) do something
I helped her to apply her make up
She helped me buy shoes