VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [W]


Make a first draft of your work recap email

Writing exercise

Recap of work done in an email
Thanks for having you be my boss for such a very long time.
Thank you for helping me find my potential on project management.
It did empower me.
Build a habit to do whatever thing I have planned first.

I feel this project has been very instructive. I learned methods which I feel I can apply specifically but also globally on my life and any future challenge I will face.

Thank you for the coaching. I learned a lot in the commercial team.
I am very glad I was assigned to the XYZ project, I grew together with the project.

In the data collecting period I have learned …

In the data analysis period ……


mention specific details / events about which you are thankful for.
Conclusion – open up and try to end on a keep in touch note….

In summary I developed my abilities/capabilities.  I how to connect big data with business and maybe next time when the system needs another initiative with big data maybe I can handle that.


company politics / relationships between people within a company
I hate company politics, everyone tries to make friend with the boss to get a promotion.

autonomy / ability to handle oneself
I have a lot of autonomy in my work. My boss trusts me.

think out of the box / being creative.

global picture / global view
I got a better global picture of the situation thanks to the training

Detail focused  / focusing on details
I have been too detail focused and lost track of the big picture.

to stab in the back / to betray someone.
Many people appear nice but they are waiting to stab you in the back

to hammer / to hit heavily
He hammered the table in anger.

tedious / needing hard dull work
Checking for inconsistencies is a tedious work

t0 suppress / to strop from expressing
He suppressed his anger.

to mentor / to teach in a close relationship
Tom mentored me during my time in XYZ.

I do not know either / neither do I know
In neither you already have the negation

life coach  / someone who helps other realize their potential
Tom took an exam to become a life coach.


