VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S+W]

Today we focused on:

discussion about dog

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finish to explain comparative

Speaking exercise

A little bit unhappy.
My dog bit my husband’s hand twice in this week.
Every morning we take it outside to walk it always eat anything so my husband open his mouth to take something maybe the dog teeth very small but scratch your need you to hospital to get injection and this morning it peed on the balcony so my husband cleaned the balcony and wanted to clean the dog’s feet.
Maybe dog feel it made a mistake so it is a little bit afraid and then it scratched my husband’s hand again so  we went to the hospital again.
My husband needs 5 injections. about 288 for each
If you have a dog and cat when we waited for the first injection we found 5 people also had the injection because of cats / street/stray cats

I am a little bit unhappy.  / I’m a little worried
My dog bit my husband’s hand twice this week. / my husband was bitten twice this week
Every morning we take it outside for a walk / we walk it outside and it always biting/tasting/licking everything it can find so my husband opened his mouth to take it out and the dog’s teeth are very small but sharp and it scratched my husband’s hand. He had to go to the hospital to get an injection.
This morning it peed on the balcony so my husband cleaned the balcony and wanted to clean the dog’s feet.
Maybe dog felt it made a mistake so it was a little bit afraid we would hit it / punish it and then it scratched my husband’s hand again so we went to the hospital again.
My husband needs 5 injections. about 288 for each
If you have a dog and cat when we waited for the first injection we found 5 people also had to have/ were waiting for the injection because of cats /stray cats


exam (n) = test
I took an exam yesterday

reliable (adj) 可靠的
This car is very reliable

tennis (n)网球
I play tennis

puppy (n): 幼犬 / baby dog
It is still a puppy
Puppies pee everywhere

sharp (adj ) 尖的
the knife I use for cooking is very sharp

knife (n) 刀
I use a knife to cut the tomato

scissors (n) 剪刀
I used scissors to open the box

I walk the dog in the morning and at night

to bite (bite / bit / bitten (pp) (v)咬
I was bitten by a dog

stray cat  (n): cat on the street
There are many stray cats in SH

vaccine (n) 疫苗
My dog finished the vaccines in September

injection (n)注射
My husband needs 5 injections.

to inject (v)注射
The doctor injected the vaccine in my arm

to pee (v)撒尿
The dog peed on the tree

patient (adj) 有耐心的
I am patient

scratch (n/v) 滑坡
The cat scratched my hand
There is a scratch on my computer

to expect (v) 预计
It is more difficult than I expected = I thought it would be easy but it was hard 考试比我想的难

Writing exercise

National Day this year,we worry traffic jam on the high way from Shang Hai to Tong Lu ,so we got up at 6.00 and make an early start off. usually we spend 3 hours can reach to hotel on mountain, so I had not prepare snacks for us on the way, The reality is, we drive from 9am to 6am, I could only sleep and we stopped at every rest area to find coffee and food, this is a long drive, but give me a cup of milk tea and cake and I was soon happy. finally we reached the mountain at dusk,we was so glad to see the long drive safe and sound.

National Day this year,we worried about traffic jams on the high way from Shang Hai to Tong Lu ,so we got up at 6.00 and had an early start. Usually we spend 3 hours to reach the hotel / usually in 3 hours you can reach the hotel so I had not prepared snacks for us on the way, The reality is, we drove from 9am to 6am, I could only sleep and we stopped at every rest area to find coffee and food, this was a long drive, but when I had a cup of milk tea and cake I was so happy. finally we reached the mountain at dusk, we were so glad to finish the long drive safe and sound.


I play tennis much these days = I play tennis a lot these days
I don’t play basketball much these days = I play but only a little / I play but not often

worry about something
I worry about the weather


1st : infinitive / base form = present / to + V)
2nd: Past simple 
3rd : Past particle (pp) (have + pp / be + pp)

Eat ( eat / ate / eaten)
I eat a cake / I like to eat cakes
Tom ate a cake yesterday
The cake was eaten by Jenny / I have eaten a slice of the cake

to bite (bite / bit / bitten (pp) (v)咬
The dog bites a bone
The dog bit my husband this morning
My husband was bitten by the dog