VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S+W]


Imagine your life once you are retired

Speaking exercise

I think diamonds is have some special meanings and most of the time they will be used as some special meaning or special event.
Because there are many types of diamonds and some general diamonds will be used as a daily thing for women.
But big diamonds will be used as some symbols.

I think man made diamonds is just a toy for women.
I think it is hard to figure out wether the diamonds are man made or natural. especially when you just get one diamond. Maybe you can figure out the difference when you get both at the same time.

when they renew their factories they will raise the % of automated lines because each factory will replace some equipments after 5-10 years.

For individuals when we buy goods the price includes VAT but our structure of the price is different with other countries because some will you the detail info.
Actually we pay the VAT but I don’t know how much and for companies we have a special VAT. If the companies buys something and pays for the special VAT when the company sells the type of goods they can get it back.

we can buy tax free make up online directly even I haven’t been abroad.

the retirement pension is not the same for each person it depends on how much you paid for the social insurance when you worked and how long.
The government employees and teachers will be higher than other people and the retirement pension is depend on the structure of your social insurance when you are working.
Current policy is get more if you pay more it is very equal.
It depends on your salary. How much you pay for the social insurance depends on your salary and another factor your company’s benefits . Some companies offer extra insurance options for employees. The government sets the basic line to make sure everyone can afford necessities.

in 10 years the pension doubled.


I think diamonds have some special meanings and most of the time they will be used for their special meaning or to commemorate special event.
There are many types of diamonds and small diamonds will be used as a daily things for women.
But big diamonds will be used as some symbols.

I think man made diamonds are just a toys for women.
I think it is hard to figure out wether the diamonds are man made or natural. especially when you just get one diamond. Maybe you can figure out the difference when you get both at the same time. / when you compare them side by side.

when they renew/replace/modernize their production lines / machines  they will raise the % of automated lines / you automate more lines because each factory will replace some equipments after 5-10 years.

For individuals when we buy goods the price includes VAT but our structure of the price is different with other countries because some will you the detail info. / China directly quotes prices including VAT.
Actually we pay the VAT but I don’t know how much it is and for companies we have a special VAT. If the companies buy something and pay for the special VAT when the company sells the same type of goods they can get it back.

we can buy tax free make up online directly even without going abroad.

the retirement pension is not the same for each person it depends on how much you paid for the social insurance when you worked and how long.
The government employees and teachers will have a higher pension than other people and the retirement pension dependon the structure of your social insurance when you are working.
The Current policy you pay more you get more . it is very fair

It depends on your salary. How much you pay for the social insurance depends on your salary and another factor is your company’s benefits . Some companies offer extra insurance options for employees / private pension funds . The government sets the basic line to make sure everyone can afford necessities.

in 10 years the pensions doubled.

Writing exercise

Though universal income isn’t implemented in China yet, the government offers specific income to some certain groups. Each region has the local policy. For example, shanghai offers universal income to the citizens who are over 65 years old and this compensation increases by age, Suzhou offers free public transportation ticket to elder group over 70, Hangzhou offers universal income which only can be used in travelling. I don’t think China will implement universal income for all citizens soon as there are still lots of undeveloped regions, and the government offers compensation to support necessities and skills learning of people in these regions. The catch of specific universal income is related to age, region, income or specific events, and the main purpose of these income policies is to support people to get new skills or start business rather than just get free money continuously. I think the meaning of current universal income policy in China is different with other countries.


Though universal income isn’t implemented in China yet, the government offers specific income to some certain groups. Each region has a local policy. For example, shanghai offers universal income to the citizens who are over 65 years old and this compensation increases with age, Suzhou offers free public transportation tickets to elders over 70, Hangzhou offers universal income which only can be used when traveling / offers a travel subsidy . I don’t think China will implement universal income for all citizens soon as there are still lots of undeveloped regions, and the government offers compensation to support necessities and skills learning / education for people in these regions. The catch of specific universal income is related to age, region, income or specific events, and the main purpose of these income policies is to support people to get new skills or start businesses rather than just get free money continuously. I think the meaning of the current universal income policy in China is different with other countries.


VAT: Value Added Tax (n)
The basic VAT is 13% in China

deposit (n). amount of money paid in advance of setting the full price
I paid a deposit to book the room

radical (adj) : very different from what has been done before / revolutionary
He took radical measures to lower costs

shut in (n) someone who doesn’t leave his house
He is a shut in, he never leaves the house and orders everything online

pension (n) : money you get after retirement
pensions increase every year

symbol (n): something that means something else
The cross is a symbol of the hospital

to symbolize (v) :
A ring simbolizes marriage

commemorate (v) recall / celebrate
We had a holiday in October to commemorate the funding of China 

commemoration (n) event to celebrate / recall
I attended the commemoration of the end of WWII