VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S+W]


Write an email to the PE teacher to tell the teacher that your daughter had a knee injury and that she cannot run for the next few months.

Speaking exercise

My English name is Irene, I work in logistics. This is Japanese company, I studied Japanese in the university so my English is not very well.
My husband is Japanese but I can speak Chinese also, My daughter is studying in the UK. She is 18 years old, in London.
I like prating palates, I practice 3 times per week. It makes me feel calm when I practice.
I like singing in Japanese.
When my daughter studied in Japan before 5 years I often went to Japan.
I think Japan is the safeties city. It is very clean, Japanese is very kind.
Next month I will go to UK, May 13 and I will go to Germany and France.
I don’t like Paris, I like Nice and Cannes. I went to Germany before 6 years. Frankfurt.
I don’t like eat the Germany’s food sausage.
I think I couldn’t use English to communicate with a foreigner. I hope I can use English to communicate with my daughter’s teacher, currently I just send emails to her teacher.

My English name is Irene, I work in logistics. This is/In a Japanese company, I studied Japanese in university so my English is not very good.
My husband is Japanese but he can also speak Chinese, My daughter is studying in the UK,in London. She is 18 years old.
I like practicing palates, I practice 3 times per/a week. It makes me feel calm/ It helps me stay calm/it helps me relax
I like singing in Japanese.
When my daughter studied in Japan 5 years ago. I often went to Japan at that time.
I think Japan is the safest country. It is very clean, Japanese people are very kind.
Next month I will go to the UK on May 13 and I will go to Germany and France after that.
I don’t like Paris, I like Nice and Cannes. I went to Frankfurt in Germany 6 years ago..
I don’t like to eat German sausages.

I think I can’t use English to communicate well with a foreigner. I hope I can use English to communicate with my daughter’s teacher, currently I just send emails to her teacher.

Writing exercise

Write an email to your daughter’s math teacher to ask her if you daughter has any difficulties in the class.

Dear Sir/Madam,
My daughter’s name is Rie.
I found Rie isn’t interesting for math. I am confused how to improve her math level.
I will have a private teacher help her online so that she can improve her level.
She studies hard but she needs time to get better.
Do you have any suggestions for us to improve her math level?
Waiting for your reply.
Thank you,

Best regards,

name …..

Dear Sir/Madam,
My daughter’s name is Rie.
I found Rie isn’t interested in math. I am confused on how to improve her math level.
I will have a private teacher help her online so that she can improve.
She studies hard but she needs time to get better.
Do you have any suggestions for us to improve her math level?
Waiting for your reply.
Thank you,

Best regards,

name …..

Writing exercise

Email structure :

  • greeting (Dear / Hi)
  • a compliment or pleasantry (I hope this email finds you well, I hope you had a great Christmas…)
  • the reason for your email (I am writing to you to ask about ……)
  • a call to action (Could you please …… / would you mind….)
  • a closing message (I am looking forward to hearing from you)
  • signature (Best regards, …)

Dear Sir/ Madam,
I hope this email finds you well.
I am Rie’s mother
I am writing to you about her math results.
I found Rie isn’t interested in Math, I am confused on how to improve her math level.
Could you please send me the test results of this term?
Would you mind giving me some suggestions on how to improve her math scores?
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,…


private teacher 家庭教师
I had a private teacher help my daughter on the internet.

level/score æˆç»©
I hope she can improve her scores quickly.

to improve æ高
I want her to improve her level by the end of the year.

suggestion ï¼Â recommendation  建议
I do not know what to order, do you have a suggestion?

safety : being safe
Safety is very important

Shanghai is safe.

Frankfurt   法兰克ç¦

Cannes 戛纳


Do something well
Something is good.
I speak English well
My English is good

also before the verb
I will also go to London next month.
I can speak Chinese, I can also speak Japanese.

help (to) do something
Going to the gym helps me relax
I will help her do her homework tonight
My husband will help me to learn Japanese

talking about the past: ……ago
My daughter studied in Japan 5 years ago.
I started working 19 years ago.
I went to Germany 6 years ago
I went to Beijing 2 weeks ago.
She arrived at the airport 2 hours ago.

Have someone do something
Have something done
I will have my assistant send you the report before Friday.
I will have my daughter finish the homework by next week.
I had my nails done at ABC nails.
I had the house renovated last year.

comparative: between 2 things
If short word ( less than 2 syllables) +r/er
Tom is taller than Jenny.

If long word (2 syllables or more) more+word
A plane ticket to London is more expensive than a plane ticket to Tokyo.

superlative : more than 3 things
If short word ( less than 2 syllables) The +word+st/est
Tom is the tallest in the office.

If long word (2 syllables or more) the most+word
A ticket to the moon is the most expensive.

Use on for dates:
I will go to the gym on Monday
I will go to Beijing on May 11.
I will be on leave on May 11/from May 11 to May 15


daughter / doctor