VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S+W]


Writing : Write an email to your boss to announce a bad news; try to be consistent in the way you speak.

Next Class Focus

How to ask for support / draw attention to an issue.

Speaking exercise

Because of work, I just changed my role this year and require me to do a lot of business email writing and presentations and conference calls with a lot of foreigner people.
I think I can’t hear other people clearly because most are Indian people and Malaysia people so I feel difficult to understand them. I also have no confidence to talk in English, If you ask me to talk I feel so nervous.
Case showing. status update. I am a project manager.
My company is focus on market research.
Maybe first of all is the logic, I feel my vocabulary is not enough. I feel my email is not well organized. I cannot describe something or express my point in very simple or specific words.

I want to improve my English because of work, I just changed my role/my job/ position this year and  it requires me to do a lot of business email writing, presentations and conference calls with a lot of foreign people.
I think I can’t understand other people clearly because most are Indian people and Malaysian people so I feel it is difficult to understand them/to understand their accent. I also have no confidence to talk in English, If you ask me to talk I feel so nervous/ stress gets the best of me.
I present case showings. status updates. I am a project manager.
My company is focused on market research.
Maybe my main issue is the logic, I feel my vocabulary is not wide/big/varied enough. I feel my emails are not well organized. I cannot describe something or express my point in a very simple way / simply or with specific words.

Writing exercise

Practice : write an email to John Smith from the Dehli office to ask him to send you a project introduction for project India 3.0.

Hi John,
This is Maya, project manager of India 3.0.
I heard you have some introduction materials about this project design so you could you share me some details or send me some documents for reference.

Thank you.


Hi John,
This is Maya, project manager of India 3.0.
I heard you have some introduction materials about this project design so you could you share with me  some details or send me some documents for reference.

Thank you.


Writing exercise

Basic first email structure:

  • greeting (dear Mr Smith / Hi John)
  • a compliment ( I hope you had a nice Christmas / I hope you arrived in India safely /…/I hope this email finds you well (no common link)
  • the reason for your email ( I am writing about …..  I am emailing you to ask about …. I wondered if you could help me…)
  • a call to action (Could you ….. Please …… , Would you mind …..)
  • a closing message ( I am looking forward to hearing from you / I am looking forward to your reply)
  • signature (best regards, name)

announcing bad news: I am afraid …. / I have the regret to tell you that ….

Hi John,
I hope this email finds you well.
I am writing to you to seek for your help on project India 3.0.
I wondered if you could share some introduction documents about this project with me.
Looking forward to your quick response,

Thanks in advance,

Best regards.

Writing exercise

Practice 2: Write an email to your boss to tell him that the project is delayed because of some quality issues.

Hi Choi,
There is an urgent case for project AAA.
Due to the data quality issue we cannot deliver our database to client by this Friday. I think / I estimate we need 2 more days to fix this issue.
The mitigation plan is :work this week up for us to catch up on the original schedule.
There will be around 2,000 additional cost need you approve by today.
If you have further questions please let me know.


Hi Choi,
There is an urgent case for project AAA.
Due to a data quality issue (from the vendor) we cannot/ I don’t think we can/ I think we won’t be able to deliver our database to the client by this Friday (Aug 9) . I think / I estimate we need 2 more days to fix this issue.
The mitigation plan is to work this week end for us to catch up on the original schedule. / to recover the time lost
It will cost about CNY 2,000 additional. I need you to approve this by the end of the day / before 6pm.
If you have further questions please let me know. / please let me know if you need more info.



to estimate : guess based on info
I estimate that we will need 2 more days to fix the issue.

compliment : something nice to say about someone
My boss gave me a compliment on my work, he said I did a good job.

accent: the way people speak
Most Indian people have a strong/thick accent when they speak English.

flexible (adj)
I am very flexible.

flexibility (n)
Flexibility is needed.

foreigner : a foreign person
I don’t know how to talk to foreigners / foreign people.


talking in general -> plural sentences
I like cats

to share something with someone:
I share the car with my family.