VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S] Jackie



write a sentence with words you are not familiar with

Today we focused on:

sometimes the statue is like the spirit like it is maybe a famous people a hero. when we put down them we destroy some cultural things

It is a little bit strange. not usually but a bit strange. Maybe we don’t draw circles and we separate them.
I think just wear your own mask it is a bit hard maybe a room but we open all the windows and for the seats we leave one empty in the middle / always leave an empty seat between 2 people.
I still will take a walk in the city after my walk I can buy some food to take away I may not seat in the restaurant to eat. I may not eat something on the road.
Normally it is safe we get together in the company just not that close.
like yesterday we held a party, it is 2 persons bday and important colleague is leaving like hamburger. with the wine we can do some casual talk not just about work

we have the special outfit, it is similar to the one in the picture, we get together and shoot photos.
You can invite your parents but I don’t remember we have any friends with us.
I don’t remember if I get the diploma during the ceremony maybe I get it before that but we bring it for shooting.
For the high school we don’t have the speech either, just the photos.

you got something too easy you easily to forget it.
Not good but can improve

sometimes the statue represents  maybe a famous person a hero. when we put them down we destroy a cultural heritage.

It is a little bit strange. not usual/ it is unusual but a bit strange. Maybe we don’t draw circles and we (just) separate them.
I think just wear your own mask  maybe we open all the windows of room to make sure we have a good airflow/ air circulation and for the seats we leave one empty in the middle / always leave an empty seat between 2 people.

I still will take a walk in the city after my work I can buy some food to take away I may not seat in the restaurant to eat / I may not eat on site.
I may not eat something on the road (either)
Normally it is safe to get together in the company just not that close. / we just make sure to keep a safe distance / we still practice social distancing.

like yesterday we held a party, it is 2 people’s / colleagues’ bday and an important colleague is leaving so we had hamburgers and food.
with the alcohol we can do some casual talk not just about work

we have a special outfit, it is similar to the one in the picture, we get together and shoot/take photos.
You can invite your parents  / and relatives but I don’t remember having any friends with us.
I don’t remember if I got/received the diploma during the ceremony maybe I got it before that but we brought it for/to shooting.
In high school we didn’t have a speech either, just the photos.

you got something too easily / if it is too easy to get you easily forget it. / if something is too easy people tend not to value it
It is not good but we can improve that


easy (adj)
The exam is easy

easily (adv)
I easily finished the exam

to value (v/n) : to give importance to something
We need to value lives before anything else

wine(n) : alcohol made from grapes
I like to drink red wine

alcohol (n) é…’
白酒 (Baijiu) is a popular alcohol in China

commencement ceremony (n) : ceremony in which you deliver a degree to students
Steve Jobs gave a very famous commencement speech and said stay foolish stay hungry

to adhere (v) : to follow practice/ to stick to a surface
I adhere to the rules of my company
I used glue to put something on the wall but it dint adhere well and fell after a few days

adherence (n)  ability to stick
when it rains tires’ adherence to the road decreases

democratic party (n):  party usually in favor of inclusion , reform , disconnect with the past
Obama was part of the democratic party Party

republican party: party usually more traditional , in favor of a minimal state and business
Trump is part of the Republican Party

democracy (n) : political system in a country in which people vote for their leader
America is a democracy

presumptive (adj) : presumed / not sure to be
Tom is a presumptive suspect in the murder case

presidential (adj): related to the president / presidency
Air Force one is the presidential airplane

nominee (n) : someone nominated / person chosen
Tom was our nominee to represent our group in the competition

to nominate (v) to chose someone to represent
We nominated Tom as the leader of our group

to spread (v) extend
the virus spreads from wuhan to the rest of the world

to spread out : opposite of concentrate
you should not only buy houses in Shanghai you should spread your houses over different cities

heritage (n) : what you get from your ancestors / what is passed from one generation to the next
You can see our Ming heritage in museums

to inherit (v) : to give ownership after death
I inherited my parents’ house after they passed away

to represent (v): speak in behalf of/ be the symbol of
a white flag represents wanting to make peace

to symbolize (v) : be the symbol of / represent
Usually a cross symbolizes a hospital

civilian (n/adj) : someone who is not part of the army / a normal citizen / non fighter
The war led to many civilian casualties it was terrible
Soldiers have to protect civilians

citizen (n) : someone belonging to a country (having passport / id)
I am a Chinese citizen, I have a Chinese ID card.

protest (n/v) : show disagreement to something / movement in which people take streets to show they disagree with something ï¼ demonstration (n)游行
People protested against the increase in the retirement age

conquest (n) : what you win after a battle / someone you make fall in love with you
The latest conquests of Spain happened in South America
Tom is a playboy, he has many girlfriends and Emily is his latest conquest

to conquer (v) : to win by force
Korea was conquered by Japan in the past

conquistador (n) : the Spanish people who went on expeditions to colonize other lands /countries
There is a statue of a conquistador


a : one among others . not specific

the : specific : this one in particular

I went to a Japanese restaurant yesterday.
the restaurant is in Jingan district.



