VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]


Tell us about your trip. Did you manage to see the stars?

Speaking exercise

Recently I am not so busy like before. Recently the work is less than before. It is good thing because before I always work late. sometimes till 11 or 12 at night. So I think it is good thing. I start from 10 but sometimes to work till 1 or 2. I think I have 2 or 3 times work till morning. Sometimes just me but for several times with my team member so I think much better now.

Jack Ma 996

I don’t think it is a good thing. You should balance your work and your life so if just a period for some project I think it’s ok but if it is normal time I don’t think it is a good thing.

Sometimes I learning English, for the past I went here 1 is for working day and the other time is weekends but now I move all to workdays. So I have more time on weekends. I really like sleeping.
Normally I sleep at least 8 hours per day. If I only sleep for 6 hours I will feel sleepy all day.

If I sleep less than 8 hours I would feel tired so for the past few months I really feel tired because I have no enough sleeping time.
I think I dreamed a lot but when I was awake I don’t remember.
But I know I have dreamed a lot but I don’t remember. just sometimes just a few pieces.

I think at the end of 2019 I hope the status is similar. similar to right now.

In 2025 I think I should keep doing exercises. doing keep. It will keep your running circle. there are many videos that can help you how to do exercise.
I can get some promotion. I hope just one step. Because I don’t like too busy but you must improve.
in 2025 I hope I will be good piano. I want to start to learn piano so in five years I think it will be a good improvement. I will start at the end of this year. after I have been learning piano for 2 years I can buy a real piano.
This year I still have another target. I need to pass the examination. Its about taxes. You must pass for 5 lessons./ you must pass the examination in each subject.
I have passed 2 examinations I still have 3 so I hope I can pass this year.

On singles day I don’t buy a lot because the rules are too complex

If my iPhone broken maybe I can buy Huawei.

Recently I am not as busy as before. Recently the workload is less than before/ I don’t need to work as much/as hard as before . It is a good thing because before I always worked late. sometimes till 11 or 12 at night. So I think it is good thing. I start from 10 in the morning but sometimes I need to work till 1 or 2.
I think there were 2 or 3 times.I had to work until the morning. Sometimes it is just me but for several times I was  with my team member so I think it is much better now.

I don’t think it is a good thing. You should balance your work and your (personal) life so if it just temporary for some projects I think it’s ok but if it is your normal working  time I don’t think it is a good thing.

Sometimes I have English classes. In the past I went here once on working days and the other time on the weekends but now I moved all the classes to workdays. So I have more time on weekends. I really like sleeping.
Normally I sleep at least 8 hours per day. If I only sleep for 6 hours I will feel sleepy all day.

If I sleep less than 8 hours I would feel tired so for the past few months I really felt tired because I had not enough sleeping time/  I didn’t get enough sleep time.
I think I dreamed a lot but when wake up I don’t remember./ When I wake up I forget everything.
I know I have dreamed a lot I just don’t remember except a few pieces.
At the end of 2019 I hope my status is similar to right now.

In 2025 I think I should keep doing exercise/keep exercising. I am using an app called keep.

It will give you a workout schedule and track your performance. There are many videos that can help to teach you how to exercise.
I can get a promotion. I hope I can get promoted one step higher. Because I don’t like being too busy but you must improve.
in 2025 I hope I will be good at piano. I want to start to learn the piano so in five years I think there will be a good improvement/ I think I will have improved a lot.
I will start at the end of this year. after learning piano for 2 years I will buy a real piano.
This year I still have another target. I need to pass an examination. It’s about taxes. You must pass 5 subjects./ you must pass the examination in each subject.
I have passed 2 examinations and I still have 3 left so I hope I can pass them this year.

If my iPhone is broken maybe I can buy a Huawei phone.


to track: to monitor : to follow
I have been tracking my expenses this year. On 618 I spent twice as much as in May.

complex : not simple
The exam was very complex.

performance : how good someone does
My performance at work decreases when I am tired.

synthesiser  : electronic piano
I currently own a synthesizer but I plan to buy a real piano in the next 2 years.

temporary: only for a short time.
John is a temporary teacher. He will only be there for 2 weeks.

facilities : building enabling you to do something
We have facilities for people who work overtime. They can find a bed to sleep a few hours and a shower to refresh during the night.

subject : the thing being discussed
The main subject of the exam is financial knowledge

to teach: to help others to learn something.
The app teaches me how to exercises.

similar : quite same as
My current job is similar to my previous job.

to improve: to get better
I want to improve my piano skills.

to go stargazing : to go watch the stars
We decided to go stargazing in the mountains

a stargazer : someone who loves to watch the stars
I am a stargazer, but it is hard to see anything in big cities.

destination : place you go to in the end.
My destination is 8 hours away from Wulumuqi..


In the past : before
In the past I didn’t exercise but now I run everyday.

For the past …..(duration)…..
For the past 2 weeks I have been running everyday.
For the past 2 months . I have been going to English class on the weekend.