VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]


Imagine your company just hired a new employee, you need to teach him/her how to do something. explain the process  step by step.

Speaking exercise

I love green beans mixed with pork and vegetables.
Firstly I cut the green beans into small pieces and I also need to cut pork into small pieces like green beans.
Secondly I put the small pieces of pork mixed with beans into a pan and make them put them into the hot oil one or 2 minutes and then I put this out of pot and then I put a little oil into pan and put the green beans into pan again and then I stir them for 10 to 15 minutes which can make green beans lost water.  And finally I will put pork and vegetables into pan together with green beans and stir them for 2 or 3 minutes that’s the steps for this dish.

I love green beans mixed with pork and vegetables.
First, I cut both the pork and the green beans into small pieces (of the same size)

Secondly I put the pork in a frying pan and stir for 2 or minutes. After that I take out the pork/I let it rest while I fry the beans for 10 to 15 minutes. remember to put some oil in the frying pan before this.

I keep them in the frying pan until the water evaporates / until they are totally dry.  And finally I will add the pork pieces and the salted vegetables in the pan and stir (together with the green beans) for 2 to 3 minutes.
Those are the steps to make this dish. That is my recipe.


green bean豆角

frying pan : pan used to fry.
I have 10 frying pans at home.

wok : Chinese frying pan
I have a huge wok at home.

to stir : movement of mixing
I stirred the vegetables in order for them not to stick / so that they wouldn’t stick.

to fry (to cook in a frying pan)
fry for 2 minutes.

to deep fry : cook covered in oil(like French fries)
Deep fry the onions for 5 minutes

recipe: how to cook something
I asked my mother to give me her recipe because I love her xiaolongbao.

broken : physically damaged
My screen is broken.

To break down : to be out of service/unusable
My car broke down while I was on my way to the office.

pasta : general term
I do not eat pasta because I want to lose weight.

spaghetti : one kind of pasta with a long shape
I love spaghetti.

to read : talking about what is written on a sign.
When I went to the restaurant I saw a sign which read: Chinese pasta.

finely slice/chop/cut : into small pieces
finally chop carrots and put them in a frying pan.

minced beef : beef cut in pieces
Add the minced beef and stir for 2 minutes.

helicopter  直升机🚁
You can book a helicopter on Uber.

elevator / lift 电梯
I took the elevator to get to the 10th floor.

a splash of (water/oil) : you don’t really check the exact amount
Add a splash of oil in the pan.


both: to talk about 2 things at once
Both my husband and I love eating.
My husband and I are both foodies.
I like both working and traveling.

while : at the same time
My husband was cooking while I was watching TV.

I was working had. Meanwhile my husband was playing video games.

 so that / in order to / in order for ( reason)
I work hard in order to earn enough money.
I work hard so that my kids can go to a good school / I work hard in order for my kids to go to a good university.

until (you stop when you reach the goal – time related)
I fry the beans until the water evaporates.
I watched the movie until I fell asleep