VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]


read the article and write down words you aren’t familiar with:

Speaking exercise

Last week I made a skirt. I mainly studied how to draw the clothes structure.
Sometimes the teacher taught us how to make clothes.
There are 3 students with me to study the class.

all myself. It took one day.
You must seam straight. We use the machine.
We should chose the bad fabric to do it first then we can use the better fabric to do beautiful.
You can chose the fabric which you like to make it finally.

First we usually use cotton fabrics. Because the cotton fabric can cut and to seam you cannot cut.
Because this fabric can breathe.
You can chose the fabric which has many colors or many kinds of patterns for example animals or fruits.

first you need to the designer’s meaning. Then you should change the designer’s design drawing to become a structure drawing then you can cut the fabric following the structure drawing. I think it is the most important step.

Last week I made a skirt. These days I mainly study how to draw the clothes structure. / how to make a structure drawing
We also have practice/practical/hands on lessons in which we make clothes.
Sometimes we have hands on lessons.
There are 3 students who study with me.

I did it all on my own/ I did it all by myself. It took one day.

You must seam straight. We use the machine.

First we use poor fabric / leftovers to make a prototype then we can use good quality fabric / fine fabric for the final product/final version.

We usually use cotton fabrics. Because cotton is easy to cut/can easily be cut and wool is easy to seam but you cannot cut it/ but it cannot be cut/ but is not cut-able.
I like using cotton because this fabric can breathe.
You can also chose a colorful fabric or one with many kinds of patterns for example animals or fruits.

first you need to understand the designer’s meaning.Then you should translate the designer’s design drawing into a structure drawing. Then you should make a structure drawing while staying true to the design drawing then you can cut the fabric following the structure drawing/according to the structure drawing. I think it is the most important step.


prototype 样品
we made a prototype of the skirt this afternoon.

to stay true to: to follow / respect one vision.
You garden was rebuilt while staying true to it’s original look.
People wonder if Notre Dames will be rebuilt staying true to it’s origin or in a modern way.

polka dot : common pattern with many dots
I want to make a polka dot skirt.

stripes : lines usually horizontal but sometimes vertical
I want to make a striped shirt.

Square: with square pattern.
John wore a squared shirt today.

to cut (cut/cut/cut)

to seam

plain : with nothing/no pattern
I decided to use plain white fabric for the skirt.

pattern 图案
I love flower patterns.

design drawing 设计图
The designer sent us a design drawing but we couldn’t understand it.

step : each time you do left/right foot when you walk / how something evolves
The teacher was ready to help us during every step of the practical class.

Sweater 毛衣
I wear a sweater in winter.

leftovers: remnant /what is left from a previous action and that you don’t have use for
We used leftover fabric for practice.
I cooked for all my family yesterday night and I ate the leftover for lunch.

theory  : the knowledge of how to do something
We have a theory class this morning.

practice: the actual process of doing
We have a practice class this afternoon, we are going to make a skirt

hands on : practical
We had a hands on lesson in a factory last week.


To do something on one’s own: To do something by oneself. / without help
I drew a painting on my own.
I made a skirt by myself.
I drew a structure drawing on my own / by myself

easy to do / easy to be done
It is easy to cook pasta.
pasta can easily be cooked

according to : following ……
We have to do it according to the rules.
We have to make it according to the designer’s idea

