VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]


Scifi : check
Battlestar galactica
Kim Ki Duk (diretor)

Use urban dictionary for slang :

Speaking exercise

The similarity is every episode they are different styles but they have robot factors in it.
Some of it don’t see obvious in there but it still has this factor in the TV series.
There are 18 stores but each episode has diffeerent story and different style. It is kind of experimental production for them. they bought the script and distributed to 5-6 animation studios. I think normally when we watch tv series it is 40 mins but for this it is 15 mins. Each story is very interesting., It doesn’t take you a long time to watch one and you still find something interesting from it.
It takes on the black mirror formula. It uses science fiction to say something. Maybe in the future something like that, not holding back on sex nudity and violent. I recommend the first one and witness. If you are Scifi fiction you are not surprised by the story but the style of it is interesting. There is one called … it kinds of happen in the space and this one is my favorite one. But the story itself is interesting. Short and interesting and produced by 2 famous directors.

I watched it at the beginning and I want to watch it second time and I feel something is missing, they just cut it because the whole scene is related to sex so it disappeared.

I think for Netflix it is the first time they ask for different boutique studios to produce it.

The similarity is that every episode has a different styles but they all have a  robot factors in it / but they all refer to robots in a way or another.
Sometimes it is not that obvious but it is still present throughout the whole TV series.
There are 18 stories but each episode has a different story and style. It is kind of an experimental production for them. they bought the script and distributed it to 5-6 animation studios. I think normally when we watch a tv series it is 40 mins long but for this one they adopted/chose a 15 min format. Each story is very interesting., It doesn’t take you a long time to watch one and you still find something interesting from it / they are short but interesting. Since the story is very short you never drop attention and enjoy it to the very end.
It takes on the black mirror formula. It uses science fiction to say something meaningful/to reflect about our society.. Maybe in the future something like that will happen, not holding back on sex nudity and violence. I recommend the first episode and the one called witness. If you are a Scifi fan you won’t be surprised by the story but the realization  is creative and bold. There is one called … it kinds of happen in space and this one is my favorite one. But the story itself is interesting. Short interesting and produced by 2 famous directors.

I watched it at the beginning and I wanted to watch it second time and I felt something was missing, they just cut/censored it because the whole scene was related to sex so it disappeared.


a censor: someone who reviews creative work for unlawful content
Tom worked as a censor for 15 years. He blocked some movies from being released in China.

to censor : to prevent from being seen/ cut some parts
Dead pool was partially censored in China. 15 mins were cut from the original movie.

fixation / obsession
Chinese cinema has a fixation on special effects.

format : how something is presented.
Please send me the file in a pdf format.
Most movies use a 1h30 format.

refer to: mention something
He referred to 9/11 during his speech
Tom referred to my promotion during the party.

restraint : limiting oneself / controlling oneself.
Even when people drink alcohol they should show restraint and not do things they would regret in the morning.
Showing restraint is a philosophy. Simplify embraces less is more.

incremental: step by step
We decided to take incremental steps when changing the design of our app.

cliche : very expected / lacking anything original
That movie is such a cliche, nothing is original.

: the written document on which a movie is based.
Netflix bought the script/book and decided to adapt it to the cinema.

a chip / a small electronic part.
In the movie people have a chip inserted between their head and neck.

hard drive: something that stores data.
I need to buy a new hard rive it is full of sci-fi movies.

to ask for: request something
I asked for a quotation and they sent it the next day.

flyer: small paper for advertising usually distributed on the street
They were giving flyers about the new gym that opened at the corner.